These days, the working atmosphere at all transaction points of the Vietnam Bank for Social Policies, Thanh Hoa Branch (VBSP Thanh Hoa) has become more urgent and bustling than ever. Because these are the last financial transactions of the old year, before the Lunar New Year holiday of At Ty 2025 to promptly disburse capital for poor households and policy beneficiaries to invest in production, business, and create jobs right after Tet.
Checking the situation of using policy credit in Ha Long town (Ha Trung).
Although it was close to Tet and the transaction was on Saturday, from early morning, poor and near-poor households and those eligible for loans from the Social Policy Bank gathered in large numbers at the Lam Son Ward transaction point, Bim Son Town to complete procedures for repayment of principal and interest, and loans for production investment. Although financial transactions increased in the last days of the year, due to the preparation of human resources and equipment, transactions were carried out smoothly and there was no overload. Mr. Chu Nam Son, Head of the Credit - Planning Team, Transaction Office of the Social Policy Bank of Bim Son Town, said: "During the days before Tet, we accelerated the disbursement progress, arranged human resources, worked all transaction days at the commune transaction point, regardless of Saturday and Sunday to take advantage of how to disburse capital to people before Tet. There were days when we had 2 transaction sessions, the amount of work was very large, however, the unit's leadership also promptly encouraged the staff to be determined to complete the task well before the Lunar New Year At Ty. Entering 2025, we continue to promote transactions, transfer capital to the people, and serve people more promptly".
In the transaction session on November 20, the 21st day of the 12th lunar month, the Transaction Office of the Social Policy Bank of Ha Trung district organized the disbursement of policy credit capital including job creation programs, near-poor household programs and clean water and environmental sanitation programs for dozens of borrowers in Ha Long town (Ha Trung). At the regular transaction session, the officer in charge of credit of the Social Policy Bank of Ha Trung, Chairman of the People's Committee of Ha Long town also urged associations and organizations to pay more attention to inspection and supervision after the borrowers access the capital. During this transaction session, Mr. Le Viet Thang in Ha Long town was very excited because he received a disbursement of 50 million VND under the job creation loan program to invest in livestock farming in the new year 2025.
Mr. Trinh Anh Tuan, Director of the Ha Trung Social Policy Bank Transaction Office, said: "The unit always proactively coordinates with the People's Committees at the commune level, organizations, and unions that are entrusted to strengthen propaganda and provide information on new regulations so that people can easily access loans. At the same time, based on the loan demand from the locality, the bank flexibly implements solutions to balance credit capital assigned by superiors, accelerates the collection of loans due to disburse to those who have sufficient loan demand and have appropriate production and business plans. Depending on each program and production and business plan, each household has a different loan level, in order to help households have conditions to raise livestock, produce, trade, and do business to develop the family economy, build clean water and sanitation works, create jobs, and improve their lives. To disburse policy capital, support people with capital to invest in production right after the Lunar New Year, the unit focuses on Human resources carry out credit disbursement programs according to the targets of superiors, as well as carry out safe transactions and ensure capital needs for production people".
In 2024, Thanh Hoa Social Policy Bank disbursed loans to nearly 80,000 poor households and policy beneficiaries with an amount of more than VND 4,338 billion. In order to promptly disburse capital for people to invest in production, at the beginning of 2025, the bank organized overtime work, increasing the number of commune and ward transaction sessions on weekends. Regardless of rainy or sunny weather, holidays, the staff of the Social Policy Bank system across the province regularly return every month according to a fixed schedule, to carry out loan disbursement transactions, collect debts, and collect interest from savings and loan groups and borrowers, poor households and policy beneficiaries. As of December 31, 2024, the total outstanding social policy credit balance in Thanh Hoa province reached more than VND 14,847 billion, an increase of 7.6% over the beginning of the year. In 2025, Thanh Hoa Social Policy Bank will continue to closely follow the socio-economic development goals of the province, creating conditions for the poor and policy beneficiaries to access preferential loans for livestock, crop cultivation, and production development. Thereby, together with local authorities, we will effectively implement the goals of poverty reduction, job creation, new rural development, and social security.
Article and photos: Khanh Phuong
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