When the calendar turns to August, in the heart of every Vietnamese person, there is not only excitement but also a surge of pride for the old autumns, the revolutionary autumns. Exactly 79 years ago, under the leadership of the Party and beloved Uncle Ho, the entire Vietnamese nation, millions of people as one, rose up to carry out the victorious August General Uprising, smashing the colonial and feudal domination, and taking power into the hands of the People.
A corner of the Thanh Hoa Patriotic and Revolutionary Traditions Room (1858-1945) at the Provincial Museum.
From historical documents
The book “90 years of Thanh Hoa Provincial Party Committee (1930-2020) Outstanding Marks and Achievements” clearly recorded the first decades of the 20th century with the presence of revolutionary organizations in Thanh Hoa. In particular, in late 1943 and early 1944, the movement to expel the enemy and save the country really entered a climax. Besides the armed struggles taking place in many districts in the delta, the Viet Minh movement to expel the enemy and save the country also began to break out in the town, with the distribution of revolutionary leaflets, calling on the masses to support and participate in the organization of the Viet Minh front.
Faced with the changes in the domestic and international situation, promptly grasping the direction of the Central Committee, on June 24, 1944, the Thanh Hoa Provincial Party Committee's Conference was held in Vi Liet village (now Ha Tan commune, Ha Trung district) to issue a resolution to "prepare for the uprising". Then, on September 15, 1944, the Thanh Hoa Viet Minh Provincial Committee issued a directive "Preparing for the uprising". And by early 1945, the task of preparing for the uprising was urgently promoted, the Provincial Party Committee decided to change the name of the newspaper "Chasing the enemy" to "Uprising" to meet the requirements of the task in the new situation. Right in the first issue on February 15, 1945, the newspaper "Uprising" issued an appeal: "... Hey patriotic compatriots! Hey comrades who save the country! The opportunity to revolt does not wait for anyone, missing this good opportunity is a great crime".
Since then, many uprisings have taken place. Specifically, from the uprising in Hoang Hoa (July 24, 1945) to the early days of August 1945, in the plain and coastal districts of the province, as well as the mountainous district of Thach Thanh, the atmosphere of preparing for the uprising took place more widely and enthusiastically than ever. On August 13, 1945, the Provincial Party Committee convened an expanded conference in Mao Xa village (now Thieu Toan commune, Thieu Hoa district) to discuss measures to prepare for the uprising to seize power for the people throughout the province. On August 15, 1945, receiving news that the Japanese fascists had unconditionally surrendered to the Allies, the conference unanimously recognized that the opportunity for a general uprising had come.
On the morning of August 18, 1945, the Central Committee's General Uprising order arrived in Thanh Hoa. Because they had prepared in advance, upon receiving the order, districts and towns with sufficient conditions such as Thieu Hoa, Tho Xuan, Yen Dinh, Vinh Loc, Hoang Hoa, Hau Loc, Quang Xuong, Tinh Gia (now Nghi Son town, Thanh Hoa town (now Thanh Hoa city) and the mountainous district of Thach Thanh rose up at midnight, early morning of August 19, 1945 with a "heaven-shaking, earth-shattering" spirit.
From the afternoon of August 19 to the morning of August 20, the provisional governments of the districts and towns were officially introduced to the entire population. Although there was bloodshed in Thieu Hoa with 12 soldiers sacrificed and 20 others injured, on the morning of August 19, the uprising forces still captured the provincial capital in great joy.
To the artifacts
After 79 years, time can make people forget many events, but for the people of Hoang Hoa in particular, Thanh Hoa in general, the event of July 24, 1945 that took place at Con Ma Nhon, Con Ba Cay is always engraved in their minds. Under the leadership of the Party Cell and the Viet Minh Committee of the district, there was a brave, tenacious, and daring fight by the self-defense soldiers and the people, capturing the district governor and the security unit, and taking the revolutionary government into the hands of the people. This was the victory that opened the uprising to seize power and brought the revolutionary movement of the whole province to its peak.
Introducing to us, Mr. Mai Van Linh, Standing Deputy Secretary of the Commune Party Committee, Chairman of the People's Council of Hoang Dao Commune, said: In the past, Con Ma Nhon was densely forested, surrounded by swamps, with only one small road running through. Our self-defense forces were familiar with the terrain, so they set up ambushes here to move forward and backward easily. In this small village, it was honored to be the place where important historical events of Thanh Hoa province and Hoang Hoa district took place from 1941 to 1945. From that swampy place, on an area of over 500m2, the Con Ma Nhon Historical Relic Site was built, including a traditional house, a memorial stele house for 13 self-defense forces in the first battle with the Japanese security forces, along with a system of green spaces and other works.
When we arrived at the historical site of Mr. Nguyen Xuan Oanh's house (Xuan Minh commune, Tho Xuan district), we heard about the important event that took place in February 1941. Notably, the Thanh Hoa Provincial Party Congress took place here to respond to the Bac Son and Nam Ky uprisings and decided to establish a revolutionary base belt. This congress decided the development of the revolutionary movement in the province. Mr. Nguyen Xuan Nhuan (born in 1947), the third son of comrade Nguyen Xuan Oanh, introduced the journey to find artifacts and photos of his father. "My father died in prison when I was less than 1 year old. Nearly 70 years later, I got to know my father through a photo taken when the French colonialists arrested him, which my family found at the State Records and Archives Department."
A black and white portrait with the prisoner number 9514 has yellowed in many places but has always been a precious "asset" of the family for the past 20 years to remind children and grandchildren of the historical traditions of their homeland and the bravery of their ancestors.
In the space of the Thanh Hoa Patriotic and Revolutionary Tradition Room (1858-1945) in the Provincial Museum, there are thousands of images and artifacts (weapons, clothes, flags, etc.). In which, kept in a solemn position is the Declaration of the Provisional Committee, read by Comrade Le Tat Dac as Provisional Chairman during the introduction to the people in Thanh Hoa town on August 23, 1945. In addition, through the newspapers kept here, such as: Tien Len, Hon Lao Dong, Tia Sang, Tu Do, Dan Cay, Viet Nam Doc Lap, Co Giai Phong, Cuu Quoc, Duoi Giac Nuoc, etc., it shows that, in addition to the newspapers of the Central Party, mass organizations in most localities at that time secretly published newspapers. These newspapers were a sharp fighting front, promptly responding to the requests of cadres, party members and national salvation members during the revolutionary struggle. In addition, the command drum used in the uprising to seize power in Hoang Hoa district in 1945; or the conch shell used by the people of Hoang Chau commune (Hoang Hoa) as a signal to fight against the Japanese terror and suppression of the revolutionary movement; then the image of Ngo Xa Ha communal house (Thieu Hoa), where the Provisional Committee prepared to march to the town to meet the people; the house of Mother Tom (Hau Loc), the secret base of the Party, and also the printing facility of the newspaper "Chasing the enemy"; or the image of breaking into the Japanese rice warehouse to save the people from starvation in Hoang Hoa... all recorded the heroic atmosphere of the August Revolution in Thanh Hoa. Ms. Hoang Thi Van, Deputy Director of the Provincial Museum, said: In the coming time, the Provincial Museum will continue to collect, supplement, and enrich the system of artifacts displayed at the museum through archives, sectors, localities and directly from the families of loyal revolutionary soldiers.
Since the Autumn Revolution of 1945, the whole nation has gone through many stages with many losses and sorrows but also with glory and pride. In that long history, there is both admiration for the sacred values of the long march of "blocking storms in the morning and blocking the fire in the afternoon", and also the aspiration for the country's change and rise. The "potential, position and international prestige" we have today, is largely due to the efforts and blood of yesterday's generation.
Source: https://baothanhhoa.vn/nho-ve-mua-thu-cach-mang-qua-cac-hien-vat-va-tu-lieu-222505.htm
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