In recent times, the Nho Quan District Inspection Department has done a good job of advising the Party Committee to lead, direct, and organize the development and promulgation of comprehensive inspection and supervision programs in all fields; gradually improving the quality of inspections and supervisions; advising and proposing solutions to difficulties and problems right at the grassroots level, contributing to maintaining and stabilizing the political situation in the area.
Recognizing the role and importance of inspection and supervision work in Party building, Party committees and organizations at all levels in Nho Quan district have proactively disseminated and promptly and effectively implemented resolutions, directives and regulations of the Party on inspection, supervision and disciplinary work within the Party; issued documents within their authority to lead, direct and strengthen the organization and implementation of inspection, supervision and disciplinary work within the Party, creating positive changes in the awareness and responsibility of Party committees and organizations regarding inspection, supervision and disciplinary work within the Party.
The inspection and supervision work of Party committees at all levels in the entire district Party Committee is always carried out proactively, regularly, effectively, publicly, democratically, objectively, cautiously and strictly in accordance with the principles, mottos and methods of Party work. The inspection and supervision work must be carried out synchronously with the motto "supervision must be expanded", "inspection must have focus and key points"; closely combining "construction" and "fighting", taking "construction" as the main thing. Party organizations and Party members must strictly obey Party discipline.
Lieutenant Colonel Vu Van Tam, Deputy Secretary of the Nho Quan District Military Party Committee, said: The District Military Party Committee identifies inspection and supervision as a very important content, contributing to building a clean and strong District Military Party Committee.
Based on Resolution No. 02-NQ/HU dated September 14, 2021 of the Executive Committee of the Nho Quan District Party Committee, term XXVII, term 2020-2025 on improving the quality, effectiveness and efficiency of inspection, supervision and discipline enforcement work in the Party, the District Military Party Committee has thoroughly grasped, deployed and concretized the inspection and supervision work of the unit, ensuring its practicality and suitability to the actual conditions of the District Military Party Committee.
In 2022 and 2023, the District Military Party Committee has thoroughly grasped and implemented inspection and supervision work, increasing the annual inspection and supervision target by 10% compared to the previous term. In particular, focusing on specialized inspection and supervision at Party cells and Party members with low quality of task completion, poor compliance with State regulations, Army discipline, and unit regulations, and inspecting Party members with signs of violations...

According to the plan, in the 2020-2025 term, the District Military Party Committee inspected and supervised 25 party members. By September 2023, the District Military Party Committee's Inspection Committee had inspected 17 party members and inspected 1 party cell, and supervised 1 party cell. Through inspection and supervision, the strengths of the party cell and party members were correctly assessed to promote; shortcomings and shortcomings were clarified to correct and overcome, contributing to the successful implementation of the political tasks of the District Military Party Committee.
To create strong changes in inspection and supervision work, the Nho Quan District Inspection Department focuses on improving the quality, effectiveness and efficiency of inspection, supervision and discipline enforcement work in the Party, closely linking it with ideological work, organizational work and innovation in leadership methods of Party committees and organizations at all levels; contributing to building a strong Party in terms of politics, ideology, ethics, organization and cadres; successfully carrying out the political tasks of the Party Committee.
Comrade Vu Hong Phong, Chairman of the Inspection Committee of Nho Quan District Party Committee, said: Implementing Resolution No. 02-NQ/HU dated September 14, 2021 of the Executive Committee of the Nho Quan District Party Committee, term XXVII, term 2020-2025 on improving the quality, effectiveness and efficiency of inspection, supervision and discipline enforcement work in the Party, the Inspection Committee of the District Party Committee has advised the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee to organize inspections, supervisions and improve the quality of inspections and supervisions of Party committees, focusing on sensitive areas such as land, finance - budget, basic construction, regimes, policies...
Through inspections and supervisions, we aim to raise awareness and prevent negativity among cadres and party members; prevent and stop ideological, political, moral and lifestyle degradation, manifestations of "self-evolution" and "self-transformation" of cadres and party members; fight against corruption and waste, contributing to the successful implementation of the district's political tasks and building a clean and strong Party.
Results of inspection and supervision by Party committees and Inspection Committees at all levels in the entire Nho Quan District Party Committee (from 2020 to 9 months of 2023): The District Party Committee inspected 24 Party organizations, an increase of 14.3% compared to the mid-term of 2015-2020, 25 Party members, an increase of 100% compared to the mid-term of 2015-2020; The District Party Committee supervised 23 Party organizations, 10 Party members; The grassroots Party Committee inspected 160 Party organizations, 22 Party members, an increase of 6.7% compared to the mid-term of 2015-2020; supervised 121 Party organizations, 40 Party members.
The District Party Committee's Inspection Committee inspected 15 organizations and 28 party members, including 9 organizations and 26 party members with signs of violations; 15 organizations and 43 party members were supervised; the grassroots Party Committee's Inspection Committee inspected 217 organizations and 90 party members; 117 organizations and 101 party members were supervised. Through inspections with signs of violations, 149,968,000 VND was requested to be recovered...
Article and photos: Tien Minh
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