Accordingly, SHB will waive and reduce fees for a series of products and services for corporate customers. Specifically, customers who register to use the service during the program implementation period will be exempted from fees for the first year for the payment account combo package, exempted from fees for the first 3 years for the centralized account management service and exempted from fees for the first year for the collection service via an identified account. The payment account combo package with 3 flexible options (B.Standard, B.Pro, B.Max) helps customers save up to 100% of money transfer fees via internet banking, 70% of money transfer fees at the counter compared to registering for each product and service separately. In addition, customers only need to register once to use online and counter transactions for life.

Customers transact at Saigon - Hanoi Commercial Joint Stock Bank (SHB). Photo: HONG NHUNG

For centralized account management service, corporate customers can conveniently manage and control cash flow in the payment accounts of member units through the automatic money transfer feature. Customers can register for automatic money transfer from the payment accounts of member units to the payment account of the parent company and vice versa. With the collection service via the designated account, the bank provides an effective and optimal business management solution compared to the current traditional method. Revenue cash flow at the business points and sales facilities of customers will be automatically transferred in real time to the business account. At the same time, customers can proactively manage the list of designated accounts, monitor cash flow anytime, anywhere based on the available features on SHB internet banking.

In addition to incentives on product and service fees, corporate customers in priority sectors such as: Agriculture, forestry, fisheries; supporting industry; export; clean energy; consumer trade; education, healthcare; green projects... will enjoy preferential loan interest rates from only 8.97%/year with a term of 6 months or less. The total preferential interest rate package is up to VND 5,000 billion. At the same time, SHB also reserves VND 1,000 billion for corporate customers who need to borrow to buy cars with a loan term of 36 months or more with an interest rate of only 9%/year.

On the 30-year development journey, with the motto "Taking customers and markets as the center", SHB always accompanies and sticks with businesses by offering diverse products and services, preferential capital sources, and is ready to provide flexible financial solutions. Thereby helping businesses optimize the efficiency of capital use, increase competitiveness and expand the scale of operations, contributing to the sustainable development of the country.