“The Smart Radio Station model in Binh Dinh is initially evaluated to bring practical results to radio listeners and save maximum resources.”
This is the sharing of Mr. Pham Ngoc Thai, Deputy Director of the Department of Information and Communications (DIC) of Binh Dinh about the Smart Radio Station model.
Invest in modern technology
-Can you elaborate on the transition from the traditional radio station model to the smart radio station model?
Previously, FM radio stations had poor signal quality, revealing many limitations. Broadcasters who wanted to operate them had to go to the station to turn on the equipment, wait for the broadcast to finish, and then turn it off. With smart radios, managed via digital platforms, they can manage them on computers and phones. As long as the device is connected to the station and has an internet connection, it can be operated anywhere. In addition, broadcasting hours can be set. These are technical advantages.
As for operation, in the past, reporters and editors of the station wrote the news, then read it, recorded it for broadcast. Now, we only need to enter the information content, the station will automatically convert the text into voice and broadcast it. Another great point is that we can choose the reading speed, choose the male or female voice, the Central accent or the Northern accent...
At the commune level, it is very difficult for one person to do all three tasks: writing, reading and operating equipment. When there is a smart radio station, those problems will be solved. Currently, smart radio stations have been invested in 138/155 communes in Binh Dinh. In 2025, Binh Dinh will continue to invest in the remaining communes.
The Department is managing and operating the information source system for smart radio stations. When there is an urgent document about storms and floods, instead of sending it directly to each district and commune for them to create a bulletin, we can proactively and quickly convey information.
- How has the Department of Information and Communications prepared the data source or source information for the smooth operation of the Smart Radio Station model, sir?
We prepare information content and coordinate with radio and newspapers. In addition, there is information provided by departments and agencies. For example, when there is an epidemic, we will ask the Department of Health to provide information on content and prevention methods for propaganda and choose the appropriate time to broadcast.
When receiving telegrams, documents, etc., we will enter the data into the software to convert it into voice and broadcast it throughout the province or optionally. For example, landslide information needs to reach mountainous districts, information about high tides for coastal districts, etc. The smart radio station will allow each speaker cluster to choose to broadcast different information content, depending on needs and desires.
Continue to develop smart radio model
- As you discussed, operating the Smart Radio Station model not only meets the needs of listeners but also helps save a lot of human resources?
Previously, 1 bulletin directing 155 communes and wards required 155 people to do. With smart radio, only 1 person can do it all.
Currently, we will do the major information, the provincial directive information. At the local level, they will choose the local information that they need to propagate. Previously, when FM radio broadcast, the entire district had to listen, but now they can select the information. Therefore, information reaches the people more effectively, meeting the information needs.
For example, information calling for citizens to join the army, if there is no smart radio station, the cadre will read the list and broadcast it to the whole commune. Now, it can be broadcast to each area where citizens join the army. Other loudspeaker clusters broadcast other programs.
Thank you!
Nguyen Hien - Dieu Thuy (performed)
Source: https://vietnamnet.vn/nhieu-tien-ich-van-hanh-dai-truyen-thanh-thong-minh-o-binh-dinh-2355399.html
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