Since February, many particularly important educational policies and changes have taken effect, forecasting a major impact on teaching and testing in general schools.
The new circular on extra teaching and learning (ET) was issued by the Ministry of Education and Training on December 31, 2024 and will take effect from February 14. It includes many significant changes. Instead of a series of "bans" on forcing students to take extra classes as in the old regulations, the new circular is adjusted in the direction of allowing teachers to teach their students, allowing them to teach extra lessons, tutoring... but clearly stipulates: they are not allowed to collect money. Specifically: "Teachers who are teaching at schools are not allowed to teach extra classes outside of school and collect money from students that the teacher is assigned to teach by the school". According to the Ministry of Education and Training, this is to limit teachers from sending their students out to teach extra classes.
Regarding DTHT in schools, the new circular limits the subjects who are allowed to take extra classes in schools to 3 types, which are students under the responsibility of the school and do not collect fees: Students whose study results of the last subject of the adjacent semester are not satisfactory; Students selected by the school to foster excellent students; Final year students who voluntarily register to review for entrance exams and graduation exams according to the school's education plan.
Notably, according to the Ministry of Education and Training, to limit the negative effects of forcing students to take extra classes, the new circular stipulates that extra classes should not be arranged in between the regular curriculum schedule; and that extra classes should not be taught ahead of the subject curriculum distribution in the school's education plan.
The Circular of the Ministry of Education and Training regulating the high school graduation exam with many new points will take effect from February 8.
The Circular also clearly states: "Do not organize extra classes for primary school students, except in the following cases: training in arts, physical education, and life skills training."
The Ministry of Education and Training said: "The above regulations aim to ensure increased responsibility of schools in fully implementing the requirements set out in the general education program. Schools have the opportunity to allocate unused time and space to organize educational activities, life skills training, cultural, artistic, physical education and sports activities, etc. to comprehensively develop students; at the same time, limit the behavior of "forcing students to take extra classes" that causes public outrage."
According to the new circular, organizations and individuals organizing extracurricular activities outside of school that collect money from students must register their business to be subject to management under the provisions of the Enterprise Law.
Many secondary school teachers shared that for a long time, teaching the second session at school, giving extra review lessons to final year students to prepare for exams... have all been paid according to general regulations and the school's internal spending regulations, contributing to improving teachers' income. However, from February 14, if the school does not have any funding to support teachers, all of the above activities will have to stop. Teachers are only responsible for completing regular teaching hours according to the teaching hour norms prescribed by the Ministry of Education and Training.
Also effective from February 14, Circular 30/2024 of the Ministry of Education and Training stipulates the regulations on junior high school and high school admissions, most notably the new regulations related to the entrance exam for grade 10 of public high schools. The Ministry of Education and Training stipulates that localities can choose to take the entrance exam, consider admission to grade 10, or combine both of these options.
However, if taking the entrance exam, all three subjects must be taken, of which math and literature are two compulsory subjects; the third subject (or combined exam) will be selected by the Department of Education and Training from the subjects evaluated by scores. However, the Ministry of Education and Training requires provinces not to choose the third exam subject to be repeated for more than three consecutive years. Localities can announce the third exam subject after the end of the first semester but no later than March 31 every year, in order to achieve the goal of comprehensive education, avoiding rote learning and biased learning.
The 10th grade exam will include 3 subjects, of which the third subject will not be repeated for more than 3 consecutive years.
Photo: Peach Jade
Up to this point, more than 10 localities, of which Ho Chi Minh City is the earliest, have announced the third subject for the 10th grade entrance exam. All of these localities have chosen English as the third subject. Only Hanoi, where the largest number of students taking the 10th grade entrance exam in the country and the most intense level of competition, is still "silent" amid the impatience and excitement of students, parents and schools.
Circular 24/2024 of the Ministry of Education and Training, effective from February 8, regulates the high school graduation exam regulations with many new points, including reducing the number of subjects and exam sessions.
Specifically, candidates will take 4 subjects instead of 6 as before, of which there are only 2 compulsory subjects: math and literature; 2 optional subjects are from chemistry, physics, biology, geography, history, economic and legal education, information technology, technology and foreign languages. This is the first time information technology and technology (industry, agriculture) have become graduation exam subjects.
The number of high school graduation exams has also been reduced to only 3 instead of 4 as before. The Ministry of Education and Training hopes that reducing 1 exam session and 2 exam subjects compared to previous years will help reduce pressure on candidates and reduce costs for society from the 2025 exam.
The recognition of high school graduation has changed in the direction of increasing the rate of using learning results of students in grades 10, 11 and 12 to 50% and graduation exam scores account for 50%.
In addition, candidates with a foreign language certificate as prescribed are exempted from this subject but will not be converted into 10 points in the graduation recognition consideration as before. The graduation score calculation formula will not include a foreign language score in this case.
The new circular on extra teaching, effective from February 14, has many significant changes.
Minister of Education and Training shares major tasks in 2025
Sharing with the press on the occasion of the Lunar New Year, Minister of Education and Training Nguyen Kim Son said that the education sector has many major tasks that will be focused on implementing in 2025.
Specifically, in the first half of 2025, the draft Law on Teachers will be submitted to the 15th National Assembly for the second time at the 9th session. The Ministry of Education and Training has been focusing on perfecting the draft after the first consultation with the National Assembly. "We hope that the enthusiasm and aspirations for a draft law that will develop the teaching force, remove a series of problems in teacher management over the past time... will convince the National Assembly deputies and convince society. Not only us but more than 1.6 million teachers nationwide are waiting for the time when the Law on Teachers is officially passed and put into practice. We will review the Law on Education, the Law on Higher Education, and the Law on Vocational Education to consider amendments and supplements," Minister Kim Son shared.
Also according to Mr. Kim Son, after 4 years of implementing the 2018 General Education Program, in 2025, the Ministry of Education and Training will summarize the first phase of implementing the program to set goals and more in-depth innovation solutions for the next phase.
As soon as the 2018 General Education Program completes its first cycle, the new Preschool Education Program will be piloted in 20 provinces and cities. 2025 will mark the beginning of innovation in preschool education - the most basic but currently most difficult level.
According to Mr. Kim Son, in 2025, the education sector will continue to have many tasks and tasks to do in the journey of fundamental and comprehensive innovation of education and training. In particular, a very important task is for the Ministry of Education and Training to continue to coordinate with relevant ministries, branches and agencies to complete the Government's action program to implement Conclusion 91 of the Politburo on continuing to implement fundamental and comprehensive innovation of education and training.
In addition, 2025 is also the year that the Ministry of Education and Training and the education sector will streamline and improve the effectiveness and efficiency of state management. In the immediate future, the Ministry of Education and Training is organizing the reduction of focal points, merging and receiving units... according to the direction of the Central Government.
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