On September 19, the Supervisory Delegation of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee led by Vice President of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee Nguyen Huu Dung worked with the Ethnic Committee of Tra Vinh province on the implementation of Project 1 of the National Target Program on Socio-Economic Development in Ethnic Minorities and Mountainous Areas in 2024.
The monitoring delegation will monitor the implementation of Project 1 such as: Leadership and direction of the implementation of Project 1's objectives; Beneficiaries of Project 1; support for residential land; housing support; support for production land and job conversion; support for domestic water; allocation, management and use of budget related to the implementation of Project 1 under the Program for the years 2022 and 2023 of the localities.
Mr. Ha Thanh Son, Deputy Head of the Ethnic Minorities Committee of Tra Vinh province, said that the locality has three main ethnic groups: Kinh, Khmer, and Chinese. Of which, the Khmer ethnic group accounts for 31.53%, and the Chinese ethnic group accounts for nearly 0.66%. The province has 59 communes, wards, and towns with over 20% of Khmer ethnic people living, which are implementing the National Target Program for Ethnic Minorities and Mountainous Areas.
Reporting on the implementation results of Project 1, Mr. Ha Thanh Son said that relevant provincial departments, branches and sectors and People's Committees of districts and cities have developed plans to implement the tasks of the Program, and have initially achieved some of the set tasks.
Regarding housing support, the People's Committees of districts and cities issued decisions approving 91 households to benefit in 2022, and 47 households lacking housing in 2023. When implementing, there were only 50 households left (because some households had received support from other programs and projects and escaped poverty). The number of households receiving financial support to stabilize their own housing was 34/50 households with an amount of more than 1.56 billion VND. Regarding housing support, the People's Committees of districts and cities issued decisions approving 846 households to benefit in 2022, and 775 households in 2023 needing support to build houses. The number of households receiving housing support was 737 households with an amount of more than 33.94 billion VND.
The number of households supported for career conversion is 508 households with an amount of 5.080 billion VND. The province does not implement a policy to support production land. The number of households supported with domestic water is 418 households, with an amount of more than 1.25 billion VND. There are 3 communes that have invested in building centralized domestic water works. In addition, in the period of 2022-2023, the Provincial Social Policy Bank created conditions for 1,036 households to borrow capital with an amount of more than 47 billion VND.
Mr. Ha Thanh Son, Deputy Head of the Ethnic Minorities Committee of Tra Vinh province, said that implementing land support is difficult because the land price is high compared to the support amount. The central government supports 40 million VND, the local government supports no more than 15% and the Policy Bank supports loans of no more than 50 million VND. Therefore, with support of nearly 100 million VND, it is difficult to buy land while the locality no longer has public land funds.
As for production land, the province does not implement it but directly supports households to change their occupations. Because the maximum support level is 22.5 million VND/household to implement the project of reclaiming, restoring, and improving land to allocate land with production capacity and the Policy Bank lends a maximum of 77.5 million VND/household, it is difficult to find land to buy for production at present.
The Ethnic Minorities Committee of Tra Vinh province proposed that the Prime Minister increase the housing support level to 80 million VND/household and consider increasing the support level for residential land and production land because current land prices in the province are very high.
Propose that the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front give opinions to the National Assembly, the Government and the Central Ministries and Branches to adjust content No. 1 of Project 4 on maintenance and repair of infrastructure works... to "Maintenance, repair, renovation, upgrading and expansion of infrastructure works" so that localities can be flexible in implementing infrastructure works of communes and hamlets in ethnic minority areas (according to Decision 1719). Expand the area under Project 8 (Decision 1719) because according to regulations, it is implemented in communes and hamlets with special difficulties (currently, Tra Vinh province no longer has communes and hamlets with special difficulties, only 59 communes in ethnic minority areas, so it cannot be implemented).
In addition, the Ethnic Minorities Committee of Tra Vinh province proposed that the Ethnic Minorities Committee consider adjusting the poverty reduction target among ethnic minorities to 0.5% according to the target of the Provincial Resolution. Soon issue a software system for reporting and evaluating the Program so that localities can enter data to report on implementation results in a unified and synchronous manner.
Organize training on how to record data synthesis tables according to Circular No. 01/2022/TT-UBDT for officers implementing the Program at all levels. Provide specific instructions on conditions for determining beneficiaries of pre-university and university training policies under Sub-project 2 of Project 5, to have sufficient basis for determining policy beneficiaries and granting regimes.
Speaking at the meeting, Vice Chairman Nguyen Huu Dung said that the working delegation will directly supervise the implementation of Project 1 under the Program, thereby synthesizing and evaluating the implementation results of localities and units, contributing to proactively preventing and stopping negative violations. Timely detect difficulties, obstacles, limitations, propose competent authorities to consider and resolve in accordance with regulations; commend, reward, and disseminate new factors, advanced models, and positive aspects; promote the people's mastery. Disseminate and guide to improve professional knowledge of supervision and criticism of the Vietnam Fatherland Front at all levels; promote the role of the Vietnam Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations in supervising the implementation of the Program.
Through the report of the Ethnic Minorities Committee of Tra Vinh province, Vice Chairman Nguyen Huu Dung said that the province has focused on directing, operating, issuing Resolutions of the People's Council, Decisions of the Provincial People's Committee, guiding documents, allocating capital, developing plans for the period 2021 - 2025 and annually.
"Through the report of the Provincial Ethnic Committee, I see that the Ethnic Committee has followed the outline of the monitoring delegation, providing very basic and complete data. It is very impressive that right from the implementation of the policy, the Provincial People's Council issued 14 Resolutions, the Provincial People's Committee issued 27 Decisions and other directive documents. Relevant provincial departments, branches and sectors and People's Committees of districts and cities have developed plans to implement the tasks of the program", commented Vice Chairman Nguyen Huu Dung.
After the working session with the Ethnic Minorities Committee of Tra Vinh province, the monitoring delegation surveyed a number of specific projects in Thuan Hoa commune (Cau Ngang district), and supervised the implementation of Project 1 in Cau Ngang district. At the same time, a post-monitoring conference will be held to collect delegates' opinions to finalize the report.
Source: https://daidoanket.vn/tra-vinh-nhieu-kien-nghi-go-kho-trong-thuc-hien-chuong-trinh-mtqg-vung-dan-toc-thieu-so-10290645.html
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