2025 will be the first year of implementing the high school graduation exam under the new General Education Program.
To prepare for this exam, the Ministry of Education and Training has announced the 2025 sample exam, including the History exam, so that students and teachers can review and prepare early for the exam.
The History sample test has many different types of multiple choice questions compared to the current high school graduation exam (photo by Trinh Phuc).
According to many teachers, the structure and format of the History exam is oriented towards competency assessment, in line with the new general education program.
Compared to the current high school graduation exam, the 2025 high school graduation exam in History has many new points. Accordingly, the exam consists of 28 questions with 40 questions to be answered in 50 minutes.
Regarding question formats and scoring, the exam adds a new question format of true-false multiple choice with separate scoring for each format.
Specifically as follows:
Regarding thinking level: The test format structure is oriented towards competency assessment, consistent with the 2018 General Education Program and is demonstrated through illustrative questions and accompanying competency - thinking level tables.
The questions in the illustration test try to be associated with meaningful contexts (contexts that have a certain effect/value on life, practice, and science).
The proportion of recognition and comprehension questions in the sample test is about 70% but will only account for about 6/10 points in the test, 4/10 points are still application questions, so universities and colleges can completely use the exam results for admission.
Thus, with this exam, students also need to adjust their review, closely following the spirit of the new General Education Program in order to have the earliest and best preparation for the 2025 exam.
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