Food testing is a form of food quality control to ensure the reputation of the manufacturer as well as the interests of consumers. In addition to the advantages, testing activities are assessed to always face many difficulties and challenges due to increasingly strict food hygiene and safety standards; diverse and complex bacteria and food additives.
Food testing plays an important role in ensuring food safety and protecting consumer health. For food testing to be valid and accurate, the sampling process in food testing must comply with strict regulations.
In recent years, the food testing system in Vietnam has been invested in to help testing activities become faster and more effective. However, testing units also face many difficulties and challenges. PNVN newspaper discussed this issue with Dr. Diep Ngoc Suong - testing expert (Ho Chi Minh City Chemistry Association).
+ How do you evaluate testing activities, especially food testing today?
Dr. Diep Ngoc Suong: Currently, testing units as well as testing activities have achieved international standards; capable of meeting Vietnamese and international safety standards on food quality.
There are many large testing equipment and machinery companies from other countries entering the Vietnamese market, ready to meet customer needs, so testing units can easily access modern equipment and machinery.
Increasingly strict food safety and hygiene standards contribute to ensuring the health of consumers.
Not only state laboratories and testing laboratories with long-standing reputation, but also private companies and laboratories have been established and met international standards; providing safe and reliable data, helping testing activities to become better and better.
+ Besides the advantages, what difficulties and challenges does testing encounter, madam?
In general, testing work always has difficulties to overcome. Food safety and hygiene standards are increasingly strict, demanding more and more on food quality. This requires testing work to be up to standard. In which, processes, equipment and people are all guaranteed to meet international standards. Units must invest in equipment to meet the requirements, minimizing risks in testing.
For testing units, the most difficult problem is human resources and finance to invest in equipment and machinery. Once the investment in machinery and equipment is made, the investment in operation must also meet standards, chemicals and solvents, these things are not cheap.
+ Currently, in addition to investing in the development of modern testing techniques, inspection units also need to focus on promoting risk assessment activities to provide scientific evidence to support food safety management; how do you evaluate this?
Not only in Vietnam but also in developed countries around the world, research, forecasting, and assessment of food safety risks are also significant challenges. For food, which is a large field and market, the challenge is even greater. As technology and machinery become more and more modern, we try to meet this requirement.
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