Therefore, his songs about the sunny and windy land always have a unique mark, a unique approach, making listeners and singers always feel both familiar and close but also very different and unique.
"Big Brother" Saigon

Minh Vy said he is a person with a strong Southern character, because he was born in Saigon, his parents loved Southern folk songs and amateur music. Since he was young, he was allowed to learn to play and sing and often took him to see plays, operas, etc. "My childhood was the days when my parents took me to see plays, operas, and operas, but I didn't understand anything and didn't think it was interesting" - Minh Vy said. His father was an engineer, but he wanted his son to follow the path of music, while at that time Minh Vy really didn't like it, causing him to have a rebellious mindset, just wanting to avoid learning to play.

“My father told me that no matter how difficult the family was, the children had to be fully educated, especially the things that he used to like but did not have the conditions for. At that time, I was still young and did not understand my father's intentions, and only knew that studying was forced, that I had to study even if I did not like it, so there were times when I was so discouraged that I just looked forward to the day I got vaccinated so I could have an excuse to stay home,” Minh Vy said. However, gradually, it was his father's strictness that affected the young Vy's soul at that time. He gradually got into the habit of learning to sing, act, and play musical instruments, even though he did not have much talent.
In high school, Minh Vy became famous throughout the school and was quickly considered a "leading bird" in the art movement. That helped him to interact, learn and explore the many colors of life. The 11th grade boy had the opportunity to find people with the same interests and passion for music. The band "Silent Sea" was born and quickly became famous. In the group, Minh Vy took on two roles at the same time, playing the keyboard and being a singer. He was also the leader of the group and meticulously took care of his brainchild with all his love and dedication. After that, he had the idea of recording and re-recording the songs that he and his friends had performed. Fortunately, with the support of his father, who was a technical specialist, he was able to complete his first recorded works.

At that time, although he was only in high school, Minh Vy's recording techniques were not inferior to those with much experience. With three companions, Minh Vy's recording studio gradually took shape right in his house. That was the premise of the famous Kim Loi studio later on, which produced musical works associated with the names of Dinh Van, Tai Linh, Si Ben, Thach Thao, Ngoc Hai...
Wishing Kim Loi Studio to be an attractive destination, Minh Vy always actively seeks out young talents. It was also thanks to this opportunity that he met his wife Cam Ly - the person he is willing to sacrifice his whole life for her to shine.
Talking about this, musician Minh Vy expressed: “I like to talk about the life and destiny of a person because of fate. Fate brought me to music, allowed me to live with the profession, passionately devote myself to it and make it my life. Fate also made Cam Ly and I meet, become husband and wife and become a couple that is remembered by name in the music industry”. For musician Minh Vy, Cam Ly’s career is also his career, passion, and ideal.
Because of that fate, a multi-talented music producer and manager in the 90s of the last century became a billionaire. Few people know that the leader of the Rain Dust music trend at one time was Minh Vy. Today, musician Minh Vy is also trusted to take on the role of judge in many attractive game shows and music programs such as: "Vo chong minh di hat", "Vong tai tai Miss Vietnam 2018", "Singer idol", "Tuyet dinh song ca cap doi vang", "Tuyet dinh Bolero" ... He is also a true "Anh Hai Sai Gon" musician when he is always willing to help new singers entering the profession, colleagues in showbiz. For him, music only truly shines and sublimates when spreading the most positive meanings to the community.
Fate with Nghe An

Because he had been immersed in the music of his homeland since childhood, Minh Vy wanted to try his hand at many folk genres from all three regions of the country to renew his songs. Therefore, one time when he had the chance to meet singers and contestants of music competitions who were from Nghe An, he was surprised that these singers could speak fluently the languages of all three regions. This made him think that the culture of Nghe An must be very special! So he came up with the idea of writing songs imbued with Nghe An spirit to invite these contestants to sing.
Thinking is doing, he started to research the material of Vi, Giam, and folk songs in songs with the folk melody of Nghe An. So, the waiting and waiting sentences, the angry and loving Vi sentences were "absorbed" by him in his own way. The more he researched the material of Nghe An folk songs, the more he wanted his brainchild to be truly special, truly unique, not mixed with the compositions of musicians specializing in writing about Nghe An.
He exploited the meaning in the lyrics, in the way the Nghe people pronounce words, he also paid attention to the way of expressing anger and sadness, the way of sending love for the homeland in the love of couples in works imbued with Nghe Tinh folk songs. Thus, "Sao anh chang ve", "Nho que", "Don me" ... were born with his very own emotions. "Through observation, I see that Nghe people have very unique personality traits, very patient, hard-working, straightforward, outspoken and also very generous. When in love, they are passionate and ardent. And so, in my works, Nghe people who enjoy them will find themselves in them" - Minh Vy shared. He also said that when writing the song "Sao Anh Chang Ve" , he did not want to include in the work the place names that were already in other works, nor did he clearly include local words such as "mo, te, rang, rua"... but when singing, the listener still felt that he was writing for them, about their people and about the hidden feelings in the souls of the Nghe people.
“I finished writing the song “Sao Anh Chang Ve” without much confidence, but when I gave it to singers Hoang Nhu Quynh and Phuong Thuy from Nghe An to sing, they asked me: When did you return to Nghe An, how long have you been there? So, I knew I had successfully written a song for Nghe people” - Minh Vy said.
For Minh Vy, no area or region of composition is easy, all must be cultivated, researched and seriously felt by the writer. And each story in a musical work must have a sincere vibration. The work is only in tune with the listener when it has the same frequency as them, meaning it must tell the story of the listener, the singer, if they are moved then the musician has succeeded.
During his recent business trip to Nghe An, Minh Vy said he would have more new songs when he “caught” a musical phrase when crossing Ben Thuy bridge and going up Quyet mountain. He said that this time the songs would have really good and emotional stories, because he had reached a place where he had previously only found it in poetry, music and even in literary stories...
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