Collector Nguyen Phi Dung (Nam Dinh) currently owns more than 20 tons of newspapers with many different pages and genres. He devoted a dedicated space to each newspaper, including newspapers that are hundreds of years old, or early revolutionary newspapers such as Cuu Quoc, Doc Lap, Co Giai Phong, etc., which have historical value to the country.
For him, newspaper is not only the intelligence, responsibility and love of a journalist behind the words, what he is doing, the passion for collecting and spreading to the younger generation, is the way to preserve a part of the country's history of this responsible man.
He named the room where the newspapers are kept "PDC Newspaper Collection Room". The room is equipped with air conditioning and a dehumidifier to preserve the newspapers. Mr. Dung arranges the newspapers neatly on shelves, reaching as high as the ceiling; he classifies the newspapers by topic, genre, time period, and topicality...
Over time, the number of newspapers has increased, and it is difficult to keep paper newspapers intact, and preservation work also faces many difficulties. Collector Nguyen Phi Dung's wish is to open a museum to improve the storage and preservation of publications, as well as digital transformation to preserve data sustainably for future generations.
Journalist & Public Opinion Newspaper would like to send to readers a large-scale collection of collector Nguyen Phi Dung:
Collector Nguyen Phi Dung (Nam Dinh city, Nam Dinh province) is quite famous in the antiques collecting world. With his "museum" of newspapers, he is always ready to open the door to welcome visitors to see his massive treasure.
In the room of hundreds of square meters, there are many newspapers and magazines that Mr. Dung has collected. Among them are the first newspapers of the early Vietnamese press, rare and valuable.
Although the area is small compared to a museum, he arranged the press publications and documents quite scientifically. In the photo, he reserved a separate area for Spring and Tet issues.
People's Newspaper and People's Army Newspaper are the publications with the largest number. He has all the newspapers from the first issues to the later ones, all classified by time.
The People's Newspaper, published in May 1954, talked about the event "We have won the Dien Bien Phu battle". Thanks to careful and meticulous preservation, the original issues have remained intact over more than 70 years.
He has many unique press publications. This is one of the publications during the Dien Bien Phu Campaign, the People's Army Newspaper organized a frontline editorial office, published 33 issues right at the front, distributed directly to officers and soldiers in the trenches.
Inheriting the collection of old newspapers left by his ancestors, today, from old relationships in the antique collecting world to social networks, Mr. Dung hunts for newspapers quickly. He only needs to make a phone call to tell him where to buy old newspapers and he will come to that place to buy them.
Every day he still spends many hours reading, classifying, arranging and recording all publications so that readers and visitors can easily look them up.
Although the high-rise building, located on a central street in the city, is not for rent, he still dedicates most of the space to preservation. Many of the first issues of major domestic press agencies are kept here.
According to collector Nguyen Phi Dung, there are many old newspapers with good quality paper so they can be kept for a long time without fear of termites. In the photo is the area where thousands of issues of the publications Nha Bao and Cong Luan Newspaper are kept.
He has regular and special issues of the Journalist and Public Opinion newspapers.
The first Saigon Giai Phong newspaper was published on May 5, 1975.
On October 15, 1954, Vietnam Pictorial launched its first issue. With the name of the first issues being "Images of Vietnam", throughout the past six decades, Vietnam Pictorial has continued to play the role of a photo chronicle, realistically and vividly portraying the country and people of Vietnam.
On October 10, 1942, the Party Central Committee published the Liberation Flag newspaper. The Liberation Flag newspaper was run by comrade Truong Chinh, the Party's General Secretary. The newspaper published 16 issues from 1942 to 1944.
Among the thousands of newspapers he collected, there were 5 precious newspapers.
Collector Nguyen Phi Dung also donated many artifacts, old newspapers and old newspapers to various units, such as: Vietnam Press Museum (Vietnam Journalists Association), Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee, Nam Dinh Provincial People's Committee and many other museums.
The press reflects life, providing us with information on all aspects of Vietnamese society through the ages. Mr. Dung wants to preserve everything not only for himself but also for anyone who needs to learn about a period of history, the political, economic, cultural, social or artistic developments of the country.
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