Recently, the image of Nha Phuong on the set of Love before the wedding day was shared by actress Trinh Thao. This image attracted the attention of the public because this was the first time the actress appeared after announcing her second pregnancy.
It can be seen that in the first months of pregnancy, Truong Giang's wife's figure has not changed much. The audience is looking forward to seeing the actress's beautiful, radiant appearance on screen.
Currently, Nha Phuong and the cast Trinh Thao, Song Luan, Huu Vi, Si Thanh, Minh Trang... are making the movie Love before the wedding . This is also Nha Phuong's latest TV project after the success of Cay Tao No Hoa. Nha Phuong revealed that the filming schedule will not be completed until May. The movie has not yet set a release date.
Previously, on April 21, Nha Phuong announced her second pregnancy with a short clip recording the scene of her husband receiving the good news. The actress painstakingly prepared a gift box containing a 2-line pregnancy test and an ultrasound scan and asked her daughter to give it to Truong Giang.
When holding the pregnancy test, "Muoi Kho" still did not believe it, until holding the ultrasound card with clear pictures and names, the comedian still maintained a skeptical attitude. When he was sure that his wife was not joking, Truong Giang was very happy. He ran to hug Nha Phuong and his daughter. The comedian also did not forget to ask his daughter if she liked a brother or a sister. When the little princess said she liked a sister, Truong Giang was very happy, because that was also his wish.
Since getting married, Nha Phuong has spent more time with her family and has made fewer films. She also revealed that her husband has always supported her passion for acting. Most recently, she appeared in the hit TV series Cay Tao No Hoa, receiving much praise from the public for her improvement in acting.
Le Chi
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