The Deputy Minister of Education and Training said that to attract and develop the teaching staff, the policy is not only about salary but also working conditions, creative space, school cultural environment... so that they can make a living from their profession and maintain their qualities.
The Ministry of Education and Training in collaboration with UNESCO organized the workshop "Policy and legal framework for teachers in the context of globalization - International experience and recommendations for Vietnam".
At the workshop, domestic and international experts discussed and proposed many ideas related to establishing policies to attract teachers, improve quality, develop the teaching staff, experience in building laws on teachers, etc.
Ms. Nguyen Thi Kim Phung, former Director of the Department of Higher Education (Ministry of Education and Training) said that the responsibility of teachers is very high at all levels of education. If they do not have a love for their profession, love for children, a sense of responsibility and a role to fulfill their mission, it is very difficult to take on the position of a teacher.
Ms. Phung said that before becoming an education manager, she was also a teacher for about 25 years and found that "teachers never have a job to do".
“There is no real time off. Society requires teachers to be exemplary in all daily activities, in the family, in society... and we almost cannot separate the image and role of teachers from the fact that they are also normal individuals in society and have the same needs as everyone else. So, do policies and regimes for teachers take into account such high and comprehensive requirements?”, she said.
Ms. Phung hopes that international experts will have recommendations for countries with low incomes or that are not really attractive for teachers.
“How can we pay teachers a salary that is commensurate with society's high demands on teachers?”, Ms. Phung asked.
According to Deputy Minister of Education and Training Pham Ngoc Thuong, to affirm the position and role of teachers, the Ministry has proposed that the Government draft the Law on Teachers with a consistent motto to develop the teaching staff, shifting from administrative management to quality management; how to attract and retain talented people in the teaching profession, and feel secure in their dedication.
Deputy Minister Pham Ngoc Thuong said that advanced countries with a tradition in education clearly identify the position and role of teachers as extremely important to the prosperity of the nation. Investing in education and developing teachers is investing in development, for the present and the future.
“The opinions exchanged at the workshop all conveyed a message, presenting experiences in building teacher policies in the most enhanced and favorable direction to attract and develop the teaching staff. Policy is not only about salary but also working conditions, creative space, working space, school cultural environment, attitudes towards teachers so that they can make a living from their profession, maintain their qualities and dignity…”, Mr. Thuong said.
“These are not preferential or special treatment for teachers, but basic, minimal policies that are appropriate to the labor and creativity of teachers, and international experience has proven that.”
The Deputy Minister of Education and Training said that in the coming time, after consulting with experts, the Ministry will continue to add more and more feasible policies.
'Low salaries easily make teachers lose motivation for the job'
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