The Minister of Information and Communications has just issued Circular No. 06/2023/TT-BTTTT guiding the principles of editing, classifying and warning on-demand sports and entertainment radio and television content on radio and television services.
Principles of editing sports and entertainment radio and television content on demand
General principles
- In accordance with the Party's policies and the State's laws.
- Remove from the program all content that violates the prohibitions of the press law and other legal regulations; controversial issues, issues that have not been recognized by Vietnamese law.
- Protect children and other vulnerable groups from content that is inappropriate or may have a negative impact.
- Eliminate from the program content and dialogues that criticize or slander the origin or background of the interlocutor or the character mentioned; content that uses physical weaknesses of individuals to make fun of; words and symbols that are derogatory, contrary to Vietnamese culture, ethics and customs; limit the use of slang and swear words if they are not appropriate to the situation, context and content mentioned in the program.
- Remove the program in case when editing the program, it is discovered that in the program, at the event location, the location of the sports or entertainment event, there are images or activities that violate the prohibitions of the law, are contrary to Vietnamese customs or have sensitive political elements.
For audio and video recording programs for later broadcast: edit the program as prescribed in Clause 1, including text and image and audio files.
For live shows at the time of the event
- For programs whose editor is the production organization: Perform program editing as prescribed in Clause 1 above; edit from the script stage to the production organization stage before the live program takes place and directly supervise and edit the content at the time of transmission from start to finish.
- For domestic and foreign copyright exploitation and purchase programs: Perform program editing as prescribed in Clause 1; review content in advance based on the pre-existing program broadcast schedule, according to the script or program content provided by the partner before the live program takes place and directly supervise and edit the content at the time of broadcast from start to finish.
- For sports and entertainment programs with content related to health, education and online electronic games: Editing must be performed as prescribed in Clause 1 and must ensure compliance with specialized legal regulations.
Program criteria and classification levels
The criteria for classifying programs include: Theme, content; violence; nudity, sex; drugs, stimulants, addictive substances; horror; vulgar images, sounds, language; dangerous behavior, easy to imitate.
The program classification level according to the above criteria is ranked from low to high as follows:
Type P: Programs allowed to be broadcast to listeners and viewers of all ages;
Type K: Programs are allowed to be distributed to listeners and viewers under 13 years old, provided that they are listened to and watched with a parent or guardian;
Type T13: Programs permitted to be broadcast to listeners and viewers aged 13 and over;
Type T16: Programs permitted to be broadcast to listeners and viewers aged 16 and over;
Type T18: Programs permitted to be distributed to listeners and viewers aged 18 and over;
Category C: Program not permitted for distribution.
For C-rated programs: Not allowed to be offered on the service.
For programs with classification levels from K to T18: warnings must be issued;
For entertainment programs such as reality TV shows, art performances; TV shows with competition content, performances about risky, dangerous actions, with the risk of causing injury; fantasy TV shows, programs re-staged from real events; sports programs about extreme sports, combat sports, martial arts, with violence, danger: there must be a warning line at least 03 seconds before the time of the situation, content that needs warning and must be maintained throughout the situation, this content so that viewers do not imitate, learn from.
In addition, the Circular also stipulates the principles for displaying the classification and warning levels of on-demand sports and entertainment radio and television content; the principles for managing on-demand sports and entertainment radio and television content that has been edited, classified and warned.
This Circular takes effect from August 15, 2023.
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