Two months ago, a 64-year-old woman from Nam Dinh suddenly developed a hoarse voice, which became increasingly severe, accompanied by a choked voice, difficulty speaking, and an inability to speak loudly. She occasionally belched and had heartburn, but did not have difficulty swallowing, had no difficulty breathing, had no fever, and did not vomit. The woman went to many places for medical examination and internal medicine treatment, but it did not help.
At the Central Endocrinology Hospital, the woman was diagnosed with a voice disorder due to stress.
The woman came to the Central Endocrinology Hospital for examination.
According to Dr. Pham Thi Phuong Thao, Central Endocrinology Hospital, the symptoms of this disorder appear slowly, increase gradually or the patient suddenly cannot speak.
After being hospitalized, the woman was treated with voice therapy by doctors. As a result, in just a short time, the patient recovered her voice.
Not only the above case, but in recent years, voice disorders have tended to increase in people who have to use their voices a lot due to the nature of their work such as teachers, singers, sales, and presenters.
Voice disorders are not only an abnormal sign of health but also negatively affect communication, work and quality of life of the patient.
Doctors say that voice disorders due to psychological stress often occur in women, with people who are mentally weak, have poor tolerance to stress for a long time or after a mental shock. Patients often have symptoms of voice disorders such as hoarseness, difficulty pronouncing, unclear speech, and inability to speak loudly.
Voice disorder is a condition in which the patient's voice changes abnormally. This is a syndrome caused by many factors, and needs to be properly diagnosed and treated by an ENT specialist as soon as possible to increase the chance of voice recovery.
According to Dr. Pham Thi Phuong Thao, in daily life, to maintain a healthy voice, patients also need to drink plenty of water, have a moderate lifestyle, and avoid abusing stimulants such as alcohol and tobacco, which can easily damage the larynx.
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