In addition to lifestyle, an unhealthy diet also contributes significantly to the tendency of kidney disease to get younger. An unhealthy diet is one that is high in sugar, salt, and processed foods, according to the health website Healthline (USA).
Regular exercise can help prevent kidney disease
An unhealthy diet coupled with a sedentary lifestyle leads to obesity. Obesity causes diabetes, high blood pressure, and eventually kidney damage.
Another factor that increases the risk of kidney disease in young people is heavy drinking, smoking, or other stimulants. In addition, the arbitrary and uncontrolled use of non-prescription drugs will put pressure on the kidneys. Over time, the kidneys will gradually become damaged and lead to chronic kidney disease.
Some people have a genetic predisposition to kidney disease, such as polycystic kidney disease (PKD). This is a condition in which fluid-filled sacs form inside the kidneys. Polycystic kidney disease begins to cause health problems at a young age. Over time, kidney damage becomes more severe.
In addition, exposure to toxins from the environment and workplace also contributes to kidney damage. Young people working in the automotive industry with high levels of exposure to toxic chemicals are at higher risk of kidney disease.
To prevent the risk of disease, young people need to change to a healthier lifestyle. Specifically, foods high in sugar, salt or processed foods should be limited. Instead, young people should prioritize eating vegetables, fruits, whole grains and lean meats rich in protein.
Exercise is an essential habit to protect kidney health, and prevent diabetes and high blood pressure. Experts recommend that adults should exercise moderately to vigorously for at least 30 minutes a day.
Regular health check-ups are also essential for young people. By checking blood pressure, glucose levels in the body and kidney function levels, doctors will have an accurate assessment of kidney health. When kidney function is found to be unstable, doctors will have timely recommendations to protect the kidneys, according to Healthline .
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