Dill helps prevent autumn diseases and improves sleep.
Dill is a spice with a distinctive aroma, even when cooked. Many places still grow dill as both a vegetable and a medicinal herb. Not only can it be eaten as a vegetable, dill is processed into essential oils, decoctions, pills... to support good health care.
Dr. Duong Ngoc Van (Medlatec General Hospital) said that dill contains many vitamins and minerals such as vitamins A, C, manganese, iron, folate, etc., which bring many outstanding health benefits and help strengthen the immune system. Antioxidant compounds such as flavonoids, terpenoids, and tannins in dill have anti-inflammatory and anti-infective properties. Adding dill to your family's diet every day will help prevent disease, especially in the fall when you are susceptible to diseases due to weather changes that create favorable conditions for viruses to develop.
In addition, fennel has a good effect on people who often have insomnia, difficulty sleeping, and poor sleep. You can make it into soup or soak fennel seeds in boiling water, let it cool and drink. 1 hour before going to bed is the best time to drink, you can try it.
This spice is also an indispensable ingredient in many dishes because if it is missing, the delicious taste will be lost, especially dishes such as fish soup, vinegar fish soup, eel soup, snails, fish porridge... which are both delicious and help to overcome the fishy taste.
5 delicious dishes without dill are tasteless
Dill Meatballs: This dish is made from lean pork shoulder, egg yolk, shallots, spices, and dill. The meat is ground together with shallots and then marinated with fish sauce, seasoning powder, egg yolks, dill, etc. Mix everything together, form into patties, and fry until golden brown. This dish will not have a delicious aroma without dill.
Sauteed basa fish with turmeric and dill: You can easily make this dish in just 30 minutes with ingredients including basa fish, galangal, turmeric powder, fermented rice, dill, fish sauce, and pepper. Marinate the fish with turmeric powder, pepper, and fish sauce for about 10 minutes. Then saute the green onions and dill, then add the fish and stir gently. This dish will lose its delicious flavor without dill.
Vegetarian dill mushroom patties: For those who are vegetarian, you can try making this vegetarian dill mushroom patties. The ingredients are very simple, just white mushrooms, enoki mushrooms, 1/2 carrot, a block of tofu, seasoning powder, pepper, chili, fried flour and indispensable dill. This patty has a crispy, fatty taste of mushrooms, tofu and the characteristic aroma of dill, spicy chili... blending together to create a delicious, nutritious dish.
Clam and Dill Soup: Clam and dill soup exudes an extremely attractive aroma of dill and green onions. The sweet, rich flavor of the soup combined with the chewy clam meat and the sour taste of tomatoes and star fruit makes the soup very delicious.
Egg and dill soup: Simply and quickly, you can combine eggs with dill to create a delicious soup. Dill has the effect of reducing the fishy smell, making the egg soup more fragrant and aromatic.
Source: https://giadinh.suckhoedoisong.vn/nguoi-thuong-xuyen-mat-ngu-dung-quen-rau-gia-vi-nay-thu-ngay-5-mon-ngon-de-lam-lai-bo-duong-sau-172241009181020616.htm
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