GĐXH - According to doctors, breast cancer in both breasts at the same time is an extremely rare disease, accounting for only about 0.2% of all breast cancer cases.
On February 7, information from the Central Obstetrics Hospital said that doctors at this unit had just successfully performed a rare surgery when a patient had breast cancer on both sides at the same time. This is a groundbreaking surgery in the treatment of gynecological cancer.
Accordingly, the patient is Ms. PTY (68 years old, Long Bien, Hanoi). Based on the medical history, it is known that Ms. Y initially discovered a small pink blood stain on her bra but did not feel any pain or discomfort so she subjectively ignored it.
A month later, the symptom recurred, along with an unusual discharge from her nipples. When she went to the hospital for a check-up, the diagnosis showed that she had bilateral breast cancer at the same time - a very rare disease in clinical practice.
After consulting with the doctor, the patient decided to have surgery to completely remove both breasts and dissect the axillary lymph nodes to eliminate the risk of recurrence.
However, due to his advanced age and underlying diabetes and high blood pressure, the surgery was difficult for the patient. Doctors had to carefully calculate everything from anesthesia, tumor removal to post-operative resuscitation.
During the surgery, the patient faced the risk of heavy blood loss. Fortunately, thanks to smooth coordination, the surgery was successful.
After surgery, patients continue to be monitored and treated with endocrine therapy to reduce the risk of recurrence.
According to doctors, if the results of the biopsy specimens from the bilateral tumors show that the tumor has not metastasized, the patient may not need chemotherapy or radiotherapy.
Dr. Nguyen Van Thang, Head of the Department of Gynecological Oncology - Central Obstetrics Hospital said: Bilateral breast cancer is a rare disease but can be detected early through screening. Women over 40 years old should have a regular check-up every 2 years, and those with high risk factors (family history of breast cancer, gene mutations) need to be screened annually.
" The cost of screening is low but brings great value, helping to detect diseases at an early stage, increasing the possibility of successful treatment and reducing treatment costs ," Dr. Thang emphasized.
From this case, experts recommend that women should proactively have regular check-ups and screenings to detect early, making the treatment process easier and more cost-effective, while increasing the cure rate.
For patients who are "fighting" this disease, following the doctor's treatment regimen will help control the disease better, bringing the highest treatment efficiency.
According to doctors at K Hospital, some common symptoms and signs in breast cancer patients include:
- Pain: Pain may be unrelated to menstruation, or pain in one breast, or pain that lasts.
- Changes in the skin of the breast and nipple: These changes may include thickening and roughening of the breast skin, or the skin of the breast becoming full, red and possibly painful, or the nipple being pulled inward.
- Nipple discharge - bleeding: The nipple spontaneously discharges fluid or bleeds, with or without pain, especially when these abnormalities appear on only one breast.
- Feeling an unusual mass in the breast or armpit: These masses can be fixed or mobile, vary in size and the boundaries can be difficult to determine, and may or may not be painful.
Source: https://giadinh.suckhoedoisong.vn/nguoi-phu-nu-o-ha-noi-mac-ung-thu-vu-ca-2-ben-cung-luc-thua-nhan-bo-qua-dau-hieu-nay-172250207133032007.htm
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