GĐXH - The woman discovered her thyroid tumor when she had signs of a gradually enlarging neck, a feeling of difficulty swallowing when eating, sometimes feeling short of breath and easily tired.
According to information from Xuyen A Long An General Hospital, recently doctors here received and treated a 59-year-old patient in Long An with a thyroid cyst compressing the trachea.
The patient, Ms. NTS, noticed that her neck was getting bigger, she felt difficulty swallowing when eating, sometimes felt short of breath and easily tired, so she went to Xuyen A Long An General Hospital for treatment.
Thyroid ultrasound image. Photo: BVCC
Thyroid ultrasound results showed that the patient's right lobe - isthmus and left lobe had solid and cystic structures with dimensions of 42mm x 23mm and 3.4mm x 5.1mm. The patient was diagnosed with a bilobed thyroid cyst and Tirads isthmus 1 (healthy thyroid tissue). After consultation, the doctors decided to choose the option of endoscopic surgery to partially remove the right lobe and isthmus through the armpit - chest using an ultrasonic cutter.
During the surgery, the doctor carefully dissected and removed part of the thyroid gland, ensuring no damage to the trachea, preserving the laryngeal nerve and parathyroid gland.
After surgery, the patient recovered well, the surgical wound was dry, there were no complications such as hoarseness or numbness in the hands, he could resume normal activities and was discharged after more than 5 days of treatment and monitoring.
Dr. Nguyen Vu An - Head of General Surgery Department said that thyroid cysts or thyroid cysts are a fairly common disease of the thyroid gland, especially common in women with a disease rate 15 - 20 times higher than in men. These are fluid-filled sacs that form in the thyroid gland, mostly benign and not dangerous. However, in some cases, they can progress to malignancy and cause dangerous health problems.
What is worrying is that in the early stages, thyroid cysts often have no obvious symptoms. As the tumor grows larger, the patient may begin to feel uncomfortable with symptoms such as choking, difficulty swallowing, hoarseness, and voice changes. Some people also feel pain in the neck, chest tightness, or difficulty breathing, especially when the cyst grows and compresses nearby organs. In addition, when touching the neck, the patient may feel a tumor just under the skin.
Therefore, Dr. An recommends: when you notice any suspicious signs related to the thyroid gland, especially the appearance of an unusual lump in the neck, you should quickly go to a specialized medical facility for examination, accurate diagnostic tests and appropriate treatment.
Source: https://giadinh.suckhoedoisong.vn/nguoi-phu-nu-59-tuoi-phat-hieu-u-tuyen-giap-tu-dau-hieu-nhieu-nguoi-viet-bo-qua-172250217162224226.htm
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