The standard social allowance is 360,000 VND/month.
Decree No. 20/2021/ND-CP of the Government regulating social assistance policies for social protection beneficiaries, effective from July 1, 2021, stipulates 8 groups of social protection beneficiaries receiving monthly social allowances.
In which, people aged 80 and over do not have pension, monthly social insurance benefits, monthly social benefits.
The standard level of social assistance is 360,000 VND/month. Depending on the budget balance, the rate of increase in consumer prices and the living conditions of social protection beneficiaries, competent authorities shall consider and adjust the standard level of social assistance accordingly; ensuring policy correlation with other beneficiaries.
The monthly social allowance level is specified with a coefficient of 1.5 for the elderly in poor households, without anyone with the obligation and right to support them or having someone with the obligation and right to support them but this person is receiving monthly social allowance, from 60 to 80 years old; corresponding to a social allowance of 540,000 VND/month.
Coefficient 2.0 for the elderly in poor households, without anyone with the obligation and right to support them or having someone with the obligation and right to support them but this person is receiving monthly social allowance, aged 80 or older; corresponding to a social allowance level of 720,000 VND/month.
Coefficient 1.0 for the elderly from 75 to 80 years old, belonging to poor households, near-poor households living in communes and villages of ethnic minorities and mountainous areas with special difficulties; and people from 80 years old and above without pension, monthly social insurance allowance, monthly social allowance; corresponding to social allowance of 360,000 VND/month.
Coefficient 3.0 for the elderly in poor households, without anyone with the obligation and right to support them, without living conditions in the community, eligible for admission to social assistance facilities but having someone to raise and care for them in the community; corresponding to a social allowance of 1.08 million VND/month.
Proposal to amend to increase subsidy level and expand beneficiaries
The Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs has drafted a Decree amending and supplementing a number of articles of Decree No. 20/2021/ND-CP dated March 15, 2021 of the Government regulating social assistance policies for social protection beneficiaries.
In the draft Decree, the Ministry proposed that the standard social assistance level applied from July 1, 2024 is 500,000 VND/month.
In addition, depending on the budget balance, the rate of increase in consumer prices and the living conditions of social protection beneficiaries, competent authorities shall consider and adjust the social assistance standard accordingly; ensuring policy correlation with other beneficiaries.
Depending on local socio-economic conditions, the People's Committee of a province or centrally-run city shall submit to the People's Council of the same level for decision on the following cases:
The social assistance standards and social assistance levels applied in the locality are higher than the social assistance standards and social assistance levels prescribed in this Decree.
Regarding social protection beneficiaries receiving monthly social allowances, the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs proposes to add children whose parents are no longer able to care for them; children living in families with both parents of child age; children whose parents have limited parental rights or are temporarily separated from their parents according to the provisions of law.
For the elderly who are beneficiaries of monthly social protection, the Ministry proposes to amend in the direction that the elderly are members of poor households, without anyone with the obligation and right to support them, or have someone with the obligation and right to support them but this person is receiving monthly social allowance, does not fulfill the obligation to support them, or does not have the conditions to support them.
Besides, the elderly from 75 to 80 years old are members of poor and near-poor households.
Thus, when the draft decree is passed, there will be changes in the level of social benefits for target groups and the number of policy beneficiaries will be expanded.
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