The above information was announced by Coc Coc in the "Search Trends Report 2023 in Vietnam Today" on January 11.
The report stated that, overall for the year, entertainment content increased by 3 times in terms of searches compared to 2022, making this topic the most popular topic on Coc Coc Search in 2023.
In terms of proportion, entertainment topics account for 27.5% of total searches in the top 10 search topics. Next are education and technology topics with search proportions of 23.8% and 23.7% respectively.
Notably, jobs and travel also became topics with skyrocketing search volume on Coc Coc in 2023.
Keywords "concert", "job search" and "chatgpt" along with entertainment, education and technology topics were searched the most in Vietnam on Coc Coc browser in 2023. Photo: Coc Coc
The keyword "concert" is the most searched on Coc Coc, increasing by 17% compared to 2022. In particular, phrases such as "concert hoang thuy linh" or "concert blackpink" are the most popular searches.
The keyword "find a job" is also searched a lot on Coc Cong, increasing 17.37 times compared to 2022.
The keyword "chatgpt" was also searched a lot on Coc Coc in 2023. In fact, OpenAI's ChatGPT caused a global fever with its ability to answer questions on any topic when it was launched in late 2022.
Along with the explosion of ChatGPT, the search volume of AI tool related phrases has increased more than 132 times compared to the previous year.
The report also mentions other topics that are searched a lot on Coc Coc in 2023 such as: Food, travel, sports, finance, e-commerce, vehicles.
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