GĐXH - Having defecated 9 to 10 times a day for several months, the male patient went to the doctor and was unexpectedly diagnosed with rectal cancer.
A 68-year-old male patient came to Hung Vuong General Hospital for examination when he had the following symptoms lasting for the past few months:
- Defecate many times a day, on average 9-10 times, but each time there is little stool and a lot of gas.
- Fatigue, poor appetite, signs of weight loss.
- Have used herbal medicine but do not know the type and dosage.
After examination, the doctor advised the patient to undergo a gastrointestinal endoscopy. Through the endoscopic images, the doctors discovered ulcerative lesions covering 3/4 of the rectum, which were very prone to bleeding. The doctors took samples for testing and monitored for rectal cancer .
What to do when there are warning signs of rectal cancer
Doctors recommend people to have a colonoscopy when:
- There are abnormal signs such as: Prolonged abdominal pain, bloody stools, loose and constipated stools or flat, unformed stools, changes in bowel habits, weight loss.
- For all subjects aged 40 and over, colonoscopy should be performed at least once, then based on the results, doctors will plan the next colonoscopy. For those at high risk, such as those with parents or siblings with cancer , colonoscopy should be performed earlier.
- People especially should not use herbal medicine without going to the doctor to determine the specific disease, because it may delay or lose the patient's treatment opportunity.
- Colorectal cancer, if detected early, can improve treatment outcomes, so patients and their relatives need to pay attention to the above warning signs and should not be subjective in having regular health check-ups to detect and remove polyps to prevent progression to cancer.
Source: https://giadinh.suckhoedoisong.vn/nguoi-dan-ong-o-phu-tho-phat-hien-mac-ung-thu-truc-trang-tu-mot-dau-hieu-nhieu-nguoi-viet-bo-qua-172241101221842835.htm
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