Mr. Donnie Adams, 52 years old, lives in Florida (USA). In February 2023, he attended a family reunion party. Everything started from there, according to the Tampa Bay Times (USA).
Donnie Adams had to have part of his left thigh amputated due to a flesh-eating bacteria infection.
During the party, unfortunately, a conflict arose and several family members started fighting. Mr. Donnie ran to stop them. One person lost his temper and bit his left thigh.
Out of caution, he went to the hospital to get a tetanus shot and antibiotics. But three days later, his thigh began to swell and become red, making it difficult for him to walk. He returned to the hospital. After examination, the doctor ordered him to have emergency surgery.
The diagnosis revealed that Donnie had necrotizing fasciitis. This is a rare and extremely dangerous infection, usually caused by group A streptococcus. The infection gradually destroys muscle tissue, eventually causing death. Hence the name flesh-eating bacteria.
"I never imagined that a human bite could turn into something so terrible," Donnie recalled.
He also said that if he had waited a few more days before going to the doctor, the infection could have spread to his abdomen. This would have caused him to go into septic shock and even die.
Prompt diagnosis, antibiotic treatment and prompt surgery are important in preventing infection. Donnie had surgery to remove the infected tissue. After the surgery, he was surprised at the amount of flesh that had been removed.
He stayed in the hospital for three weeks before being discharged. The man continues to receive care at home and is estimated to take six months to fully recover, according to the Tampa Bay Times .
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