GĐXH - Doctors recommend that people with diabetes, Basedow's disease... need to follow the instructions and treatment regimen of the doctor to maintain good health and avoid unwanted complications.
Male patient NQC (61 years old) in Viet Tri, Phu Tho has a history of diabetes and atrial fibrillation. One month before being admitted to the hospital, the patient experienced fatigue, weight loss, bulging eyes, blurred vision, double vision, and watery eyes, so he went to Phu Tho Provincial General Hospital for examination.
At the Department of Endocrinology - Diabetes, doctors conducted examinations and performed specialized techniques. The results of the CT scan of the eye socket showed: Image of hypertrophy of the rectus muscles, no signs of optic nerve compression; thyroid hormone test index FT4 = 61.54 pmol/L, TSH
Patient with eye complications due to Basedow's disease. Photo: BVCC
After consultation, the doctors determined the treatment method for the patient to be blood sugar control, synthetic antithyroid, and treatment of eye symptoms - Basedow with Corticoid.
Currently, after 8 courses of corticosteroid infusion, the patient's eye condition has improved significantly: easier to see, less swelling, less bulging, less watery eyes, and blood sugar is well controlled.
Through this, MSc. Dr. Duong Thi Kim Ngan - Head of Endocrinology - Diabetes Department recommends that people should have regular health check-ups every 6 months to 1 year to detect early signs of disease and have timely and effective treatment plans.
For people with endocrine diseases such as diabetes, Basedow's disease... it is necessary to pay attention to check-ups according to appointment schedule, follow instructions and treatment according to the doctor's regimen to maintain good health, avoid unwanted complications.
Beware of 5 common complications in diabetics
Complications of cardiovascular disease
Diabetes increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, including heart attack, stroke, and peripheral artery disease. This is mainly due to high blood sugar levels damaging blood vessels, leading to atherosclerosis and poor circulation.
Complications of nerve damage
Diabetes causes high blood sugar levels that can damage nerves, causing numbness, pain, or loss of feeling, often in the feet and hands. It can also affect the autonomic nervous system, causing indigestion, diarrhea, or constipation.
Complications of kidney disease
Diabetes is also one of the main causes of kidney failure because damage to the small blood vessels in the kidneys will reduce the ability to filter blood and eliminate waste. If not treated promptly, the patient may need dialysis or a kidney transplant.
Complications causing eye damage
People with diabetes are at risk of eye diseases such as diabetic retinopathy, cataracts and glaucoma, especially if not detected and treated properly, these lesions can have a negative impact on vision.
Foot complications
Due to poor blood circulation and loss of sensation, small wounds on the skin or legs can become ulcerated, infected, and difficult to heal.
Memory loss
Some studies have shown that diabetes increases the risk of Alzheimer's disease and cognitive decline. This may be related to blood vessel damage and inflammation caused by unstable blood sugar levels.
What should diabetics do to prevent complications?
To reduce the risk of these complications, it is necessary to maintain stable blood sugar levels with a healthy diet, regular exercise, and follow treatment as prescribed by your doctor.
At the same time, have regular health check-ups to help detect early so that appropriate treatment regimens can be given and are effective for your health.
Source: https://giadinh.suckhoedoisong.vn/nguoi-dan-ong-mac-benh-tieu-duong-bi-bien-chung-nang-o-mat-bac-si-khuyen-cao-phai-lam-dieu-nay-172241212144647569.htm
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