Rare man with 4 kidneys
On March 22, Dr. Nguyen Dinh Lien, Head of the Department of Nephrology and Urology Surgery, E Hospital, said that the hospital recently received a male patient (residing in Hanoi) with severe pain in the lumbar region, abdominal distension, painful urination, blood in the urine... The CT scan results showed that the patient had completely double kidneys and ureters on both the left and right sides, and two separate ureters both inserted into the bladder.
Rare patient with 4 kidneys is being treated for kidney stones at E Hospital.
"Patients with abnormalities in the urinary system anatomy, having more kidney units than normal, is one of the causes of kidney stones," Dr. Lien added.
Regarding the possession of 4 kidneys in the body, the patient said that he only discovered this 7 years ago. When his daughter was born, doctors discovered an abnormality in her body with 3 kidneys and 2 bladders. Doctors removed a small bladder from her daughter when she was 18 months old, reconstructing her urinary system. At the same time, doctors advised everyone in the family to screen for the urinary system and discovered that he had an abnormality with 4 kidneys in his body.
Dr. Nguyen Dinh Lien shared that the difficulty of this case was that the patient had more kidneys than normal people, had kidney stones and had self-treated for a long time but was ineffective, causing inflammation and edema at the ureteral opening. Therefore, the doctors chose the intervention method of retrograde endoscopic laser lithotripsy of ureteral and kidney stones.
After surgery, doctors take samples of the patient's stones for surgery, in order to come up with a treatment plan to reduce the risk of stone formation. Dr. Nguyen Dinh Lien recommends that after surgery, patients need an easily digestible diet to avoid constipation, should eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, drink lots of water, absolutely do not use alcohol, alcoholic beverages; follow the doctor's instructions for taking medication; should not lie down too much, walk gently, do not lift, pull, or exercise vigorously during recovery; return for check-ups according to the doctor's instructions and to control the possibility of stone recurrence in the future.
Dangerous complications when having more than 2 kidneys
According to Dr. Lien, the patient has 4 kidneys, which is a rare congenital malformation and is due to the abnormal development of the left ureter during the formation and development of the fetus. Normally, the ureter develops into one kidney and a normal person only has two kidneys. However, in a few people, one ureter instead of developing into two kidneys develops into 4 kidneys as in the case of this patient, which is extremely rare and has not been recorded in much world medical literature.
Explaining further about the level of danger for patients with more kidneys than normal people, according to Dr. Lien, these people will be at risk of forming stones. Day by day, the stones get bigger and cause blockage of the urinary tract, causing kidney function to decline, especially when combined with inflammation, it can easily cause kidney failure. Complications of kidney stones are often: inflammation, urinary tract infection, urinary tract obstruction, acute kidney failure, chronic kidney failure and more dangerously, kidney rupture.
In the case of an abnormality of the accessory renal ureter, the upper renal unit is inserted into a position outside the triangular bladder neck. In some cases, it will cause kidney damage in the fetus or late detection. In women, the ureter is inserted into the vagina, causing continuous urine leakage, affecting daily life, study, and work. In men, it can be inserted into the prostate urethra, causing infection and kidney damage.
"Timely recognition of abnormalities in the body greatly contributes to the diagnosis and treatment of patients. Therefore, when abnormal symptoms appear such as pain appearing in the lower back spreading to the lower abdomen, groin area and inner thighs, the pain often appears suddenly after playing sports or heavy labor; fever and chills; nausea or vomiting; urinary disorders such as: urinating more frequently than usual, urine is red, pink or brown, cloudy urine with a foul odor... patients need to go to medical facilities immediately for timely diagnosis and treatment", Dr. Lien recommends.
Source: https://www.baogiaothong.vn/nguoi-dan-ong-bat-ngo-phat-hien-co-4-qua-than-o-benh-vien-e-192240322134502134.htm
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