GĐXH - The man suffered a stroke with an atypical symptom of loss of swallowing ability.
Recently, doctors at Can Tho International General Hospital said they had received and promptly provided emergency care to patient NVG (male, 32 years old, residing in An Giang province) who suffered a stroke with an atypical symptom of loss of swallowing ability.
Doctor examines patient. Photo: BVCC
Doctor Ngo Minh Truong - Emergency Department, who directly treated the patient, said that the patient was brought to the emergency room by his family in a state of no weakness in his limbs. Through examination, the doctors discovered that the patient had a slight drooping of the left eyelid, a slight mouth distortion, slurred speech, and most seriously, the inability to swallow.
The patient was ordered an emergency MRI scan and necessary paraclinical tests to find the cause. Paraclinical results showed that the patient had severe stenosis and near occlusion of the left vertebral artery causing a localized cerebral infarction in the lower pons and medulla oblongata, leading to complete loss of swallowing ability.
Doctor Truong said that the patient was fortunate to be admitted to the hospital within 6 hours of the stroke symptoms appearing. Therefore, the consequences were not too serious.
The patient was prescribed thrombolytic drugs. After two days of monitoring, the patient's health had improved significantly, the embolism had been re-opened, and the symptoms of ptosis and mouth distortion had disappeared; in particular, the ability to swallow had almost completely recovered.
Be alert for signs of stroke
Normally, a typical case of stroke is when the patient often has the following symptoms: facial distortion, weakness in limbs, difficulty speaking... However, in rare cases, the patient only has atypical symptoms such as simple difficulty swallowing, which is easy to miss and lose the opportunity for treatment to recover.
Stroke can happen to anyone at any time in life. Therefore, when there is one of the typical signs such as slurred speech, slurred speech, crooked mouth, or weak limbs, the patient should be quickly taken to a medical facility capable of treating stroke.
In addition, people with prolonged headaches, epilepsy, convulsions, high blood pressure, diabetes for many years, cardiovascular disease; people who smoke, drink alcohol for a long time; obese people; people who have had a stroke; or have signs of suspected stroke should have a thorough health check to prevent stroke as soon as possible.
To protect health, in addition to maintaining a healthy lifestyle and limiting the use of alcohol and tobacco, people should pay attention to balancing their living habits, avoiding staying up too late and not bathing too late with cold water.
Small but regular habits can lead to major health risks. Take care of your health while you can!
Source: https://giadinh.suckhoedoisong.vn/nguoi-dan-ong-32-tuoi-bi-dot-quy-nhoi-mau-nao-tu-dau-hieu-nhieu-nguoi-khong-ngo-toi-172250220161939054.htm
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