Early morning of September 2, Nguyen Chi Hao (16 years old, residing in Vinh Cuu district, Dong Nai province) and his father and younger brother traveled in a 4-seat car with license plate 60A-668.00 driven by his father on National Highway 1 in the direction from Dong Nai to Phan Rang.
However, when arriving at Tuy Phong district (Binh Thuan), due to sleepiness, the father handed the motorbike over to Hao to drive and at the traffic light area at Km1604 +750m, he crashed into 5 people who were waiting for the red light on their motorbikes in the same direction ahead.
Five motorcyclists were injured, including Ms. Nguyen Thi Xuan N. (residing in Lien Huong town, Tuy Phong district) who was seriously injured. Car with license plate 60A-668.00 and five motorbikes were damaged. The cause was determined to be that driver Nguyen Chi Hao was not paying attention while driving, causing the accident.
Currently, the authorities have requested an assessment of the victims' injuries, as a basis for handling the father's behavior when he let his 16-year-old son drive the car, causing an accident that injured 5 people.
Responding to VTC News, lawyer Tran Cao Dai Ky Quan - Executive Director of Tri An Law Company Limited, Dong Nai Province Bar Association said that driving a 4-seat car when underage and without a driver's license is a violation of the law and must be strictly handled.
In addition, parents giving their children vehicles or not controlling their children’s participation in traffic when they are not qualified is a lack of responsibility of parents in educating their children. It is the subjectivity and lack of responsibility when not complying with the law that has caused not only their children but also other traffic participants to suffer extremely serious consequences.
In this case, the lawyer stated that if the father knew that his child was not qualified to drive a vehicle but still gave the vehicle to his child and caused a serious traffic accident, he could be prosecuted.
" Whether the father will be held criminally responsible or not depends on the authorities' assessment of the victims' injuries or the results of the property damage assessment ," said lawyer Quan.
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