On the afternoon of September 12, the Ho Chi Minh City Department of Health informed about the results of the pilot health check-up for the elderly in Ho Chi Minh City.
Accordingly, up to now, 13,773 out of 20,079 elderly people in 49 wards and communes have undergone health check-ups and pilot disease screening. Of these, 61.41% are aged 60 - 69; 70 - 79 years old account for 29.46%; 80 years old and above account for 9.13%; men account for 37.3% and women account for 62.7%.
Health check-up for the elderly in Ho Chi Minh City
Regarding the health check-up results, there were 7,199 elderly people with high blood pressure, accounting for 52.27%. Of these, the number of people with a history of high blood pressure was 6,174 people (44.83%) and the number of people newly discovered through the health check-up process was 1,025 people (7.44%).
There are 2,070 elderly people with a history of diabetes, accounting for 15.03%. The number of people with high blood sugar levels newly discovered during health check-ups is 2,060 people (14.96%), these people will continue to have a second fasting blood test to confirm the diagnosis of diabetes.
There were 367 elderly people with asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (rate 2.66%). 170 elderly people had a history of cancer (1.23%). Through screening, 360 people (2.61%) were found to have signs of suspected cancer and were referred to higher-level hospitals for definitive diagnosis.
Blood test for the elderly in Ho Chi Minh City
In addition, through health examination, 420 elderly people (3.05%) were found to have signs of depression ranging from mild to severe. 295 people (2.14%) had signs of anxiety ranging from mild to severe. Regarding signs of physical weakness, 2,277 people were found to have signs of pre-weakness (16.53%); 69 people (0.50%) had signs of weakness; 2,727 people (19.80%) were at risk of falling.
In addition, 231 elderly people (1.68%) were found to be dependent on basic daily living activities (bathing, dressing, eating, hygiene, defecation, and moving); 874 people (6.35%) were dependent on daily living activities (ability to use the phone, shop, prepare food, clean the house, do laundry, etc.).
According to the health sector leaders, identifying the health of the elderly living in Ho Chi Minh City is of particular importance in the health care work of the Ho Chi Minh City health sector. To do so, health check-ups and screening for non-communicable diseases for the elderly must be implemented in a unified manner throughout the sector, from content, implementation methods to digital transformation of the entire health check-up process.
To realize the above wish, the Ho Chi Minh City Department of Health has directed the Ho Chi Minh City Center for Disease Control (HCDC) and experts in the field of elderly health care to develop a plan and unify the contents of health check-ups and screening for chronic non-communicable diseases for this priority group. The goal is for all elderly people to receive a health check-up once a year.
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