Their secret to longevity comes not only from the Mediterranean diet and healthy lifestyle, but also from limiting a seemingly harmless spice.
Nestled on the beautiful Mediterranean coast, Pioppi, a small village in Southern Italy, is known as the "world's longest living village". It is famous for its incredibly high percentage of people living over 100 years old. What makes this miracle possible?
In addition to genetics, the Mediterranean diet, rich in fruits and vegetables, olive oil, whole grains and fresh seafood, plays a key role. An active lifestyle, fresh air and optimism also contribute significantly to the health and longevity of the Pioppi people. However, few people know that the Pioppi people also have another special secret: limiting sugar consumption.
While sugar is a popular condiment enjoyed around the world, the Pioppi people are very conscious about their sugar intake. They only eat one sweet treat a week and often use honey or fresh fruit instead of refined sugar.
The people of Pioppi know how to limit their sugar consumption. (Photo: Shutter Stock)
Dr. Aseem Malhotra, a famous British cardiologist, came to Pioppi to study the secret of longevity of the people here. He discovered that limiting sugar consumption is one of the important factors that help Pioppi people live long and healthy lives.
Scientific studies have shown that consuming too much sugar can cause many serious health problems:
- Obesity: Sugar contains many empty calories, does not provide nutrients but only causes weight gain, leading to obesity and related diseases.
- Diabetes: Sugar increases blood sugar levels, causing insulin resistance and increasing the risk of type 2 diabetes.
- Cardiovascular disease: Consuming a lot of sugar increases triglycerides, reduces good cholesterol and increases blood pressure, increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease.
- Fatty liver: The liver has to work too hard to metabolize excess sugar, leading to fatty liver and impaired liver function.
- Cancer: Some studies show that consuming a lot of sugar can increase the risk of certain types of cancer such as esophageal, intestinal, and stomach cancer.
- Premature aging: Sugar promotes glycation, damages collagen and elastin, causing skin aging and wrinkles.
The Pioppi people have proven that cutting back on sugar is a smart choice for health and longevity. Here are some ways to reduce your sugar intake:
- Limit sweets: Cut down on cakes, candies, soft drinks, ice cream, chocolate... Instead, choose fresh fruit, nuts or unsweetened yogurt.
- Read food labels carefully: Many processed foods contain high levels of hidden sugar. Read labels carefully to check the amount of sugar before buying.
- Increase vegetables and fruits: Vegetables and fruits contain lots of fiber, vitamins and minerals, helping to reduce cravings for sweets.
- Replace sugar with natural sweeteners: You can use honey, maple syrup, palm sugar... in moderate amounts to replace refined sugar.
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