With the allocated capital of more than 6 billion VND to implement Sub-Project 1, Project 5, under the National Target Program 1719, Ngoc Hoi district has invested in upgrading and expanding Ngo Quyen Secondary School for Ethnic Minorities, Dak Ang commune; The district Department of Education and Training coordinated with the Community Learning Centers of the communes: Sa Loong, Dak Xu, Po Y, Dak Ang to organize 4 literacy classes, with 125 students participating.
Ngoc Hoi district has 17 ethnic groups living in 8 communes and towns; population of 64,968 people, of which ethnic minorities account for 57%. In recent years, the work of universalizing education and eliminating illiteracy has always received the attention, leadership and close direction of Party committees and authorities at all levels, along with the efforts and determination of the management staff and teachers of the Education & Training sector, so it has achieved positive results. By the end of 2023, universalizing preschool education for 5-year-old children will be achieved; universalizing primary education will be achieved at level 3; universalizing lower secondary education will be achieved at level 2; universalizing illiteracy eradication education will be achieved at level 2.
In the coming time, Ngoc Hoi district will continue to promptly deploy the contents of Sub-project 1, Project 5 and synchronously implement solutions to achieve the following goals: The rate of 5-year-old ethnic minority kindergarten students attending school reaches 100%; primary school students attending school is over 99.92%; middle school students attending school is over 99.70%; high school students attending school is over 55%; ethnic minority people aged 15 and over can read and write fluently in the common language is over 90%.
At the same time, firmly consolidate the results of eliminating illiteracy and preventing illiteracy from returning. Improve the quality of ethnic minority teachers teaching in general schools that meet training standards; strive to achieve the rate of 35% of ethnic minority students graduating from lower secondary school continuing to study at vocational training institutions at intermediate level; the rate of ethnic minority students graduating from upper secondary school continuing to study at vocational training institutions at college level to over 28%.
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