Putting Regulation 144/QD/TW into practice is the foundation for Party committees at all levels in educating Party members, creating an example for each cadre and Party member to self-reflect and self-correct every day.
Self-reflection, to self-correct
During his lifetime, President Ho Chi Minh reminded many times that cadres and party members must self-reflect, self-correct, and practice “diligence, thrift, integrity, and uprightness” to set an example for the people. He taught: “To become a good cadre, one must have the spirit of self-criticism… To be suitable for the situation, to progress together or surpass others, one must constantly be aware and self-educated, and must be honest in pointing out shortcomings and mistakes in order to improve and correct them. After completing a job, or after each working day, one must self-examine to see if there are any mistakes, any incompleteness, any strengths that should be remembered, and any valuable experiences that should be recorded. One must completely abandon the attitude of “when the job is done, that’s it”. Without self-criticism and self-criticism, one will never progress.”
Reality shows that a number of cadres and party members have recently degraded in political ideology, morality, lifestyle, "self-evolution", "self-transformation" due to abuse of power, self-interest, distance from the people, and contempt for the people. They have fallen into the quagmire of individualism, lacking the qualities of a communist party member and lacking humanity, collapsing in their human and party member qualifications. According to Associate Professor, Dr. Bui Dinh Phong (former senior lecturer at the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics), party members should self-reflect, self-correct, self-train, self-adjust, self-educate, self-identify their shortcomings, overcome themselves, and cultivate themselves and their minds consciously and honestly, not just because of the "shield" of things party members are not allowed to do, but also because of morality, conscience, upholding morality, culture, and integrity.
At the same time, reality has shown that the exemplary behavior of cadres and party members is the most noble ethical behavior, with the most persuasive and widespread influence. In particular, the exemplary behavior of leaders has a great influence and influence in agencies and units. Leaders not only set an example but also have the ability to gather and create a working environment for subordinates to be inspired to be creative and dedicated. It is not by chance that people assume that "like leader, like movement".
With the same mechanism, policy, and management environment, some places do well, but some do not, even allowing mistakes and negativity to occur. Therefore, the self-cultivation and moral training of each cadre and party member plays a decisive role, because the organization is not always by their side, and each person cannot always recognize their own shortcomings. Once they are aware and self-cultivated, they will always be aware of their work, whether they are doing it right, whether they are for the people, whether their work harms the common interests of the collective, etc.
The promulgation of Regulation 144-QD/TW on “revolutionary ethical standards for cadres and party members in the new period” is very necessary, but that is only the initial premise. The most important thing is to deeply imbue the regulations into practical work and life. Therefore, the requirement that each cadre and party member must truly deeply imbue and practice ethical standards consciously and regularly like “daily food and drink”, thoroughly implementing “self-examination and self-correction” is continuing to be raised as an urgent requirement.
According to researchers, Regulation 144-QD/TW must be included in Party activities, to regularly remind cadres and party members, similar to the regulation "Things that party members must not do". From there, each cadre and party member must self-reflect according to the stated ethical standards, see what they are not doing right and must correct it, what issues need to be pondered and remembered to avoid violations. Importantly, each cadre and party member must voluntarily cultivate, practice, respect their own honor, and always avoid behaviors that lead to corruption and negativity.
The promulgation of Regulation No. 144-QD/TW is an initial success. The important and core thing is to make each cadre and party member truly deeply imbued with the Regulation, practice the revolutionary ethical standards consciously and regularly like daily meals and drinks. Make revolutionary ethics a distinctive and prominent feature of cadres and party members; become a sharp weapon, overcome all challenges and temptations, repel all risks of degradation in political ideology, ethics, lifestyle, "self-evolution", "self-transformation" within the Party. Make revolutionary ethics become the soul of the Party's culture, orient and promote the building and consolidation of the ethical and socio-cultural foundation, spread strongly among the people, make Vietnamese culture and people truly become an endogenous strength, a driving force for national development and protection.
Member of the Politburo, Permanent Secretary of the Secretariat Luong Cuong
According to the assessment of Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Trong Phuc (former Director of the Institute of Party History), Regulation 144-QD/TW is considered a "handbook" to monitor, evaluate and classify party members correctly. Therefore, cadres and party members must have a deep understanding of revolutionary ethics, not forget the word "Integrity", or be attached to the word "Greed"; always admonish themselves and train themselves according to ethical standards. The regulation also warns cadres and party members to always be vigilant against illicit profits and unclear benefits, especially knowing how to refuse, not letting greed arise, not letting themselves fall into the situation of "opening your mouth and getting caught in the trap".
Correct perception leads to honest action.
Building a sense of self-awareness and strict implementation of Party regulations; building and implementing well the code of conduct and professional ethics; criticizing, condemning, and actively fighting against corruption and negativity; respecting integrity and honor; feeling ashamed when oneself and one's relatives are involved in corruption and negativity... as stated in the standards in Regulation 144-QD/TW is one of the ways to perfect the culture of integrity in a new mindset.
Along with that, strengthening the work of integrity education, first of all for cadres, party members, and those holding power to prevent corruption and negativity from the root, early, and from afar, contributing to building the Party in terms of ethics is also an issue being raised.
According to Vice Chairman of the Scientific Council of the Central Party Agencies Vu Van Phuc, educating and raising awareness of cadres, party members, civil servants and public employees about integrity is very important, because only with correct awareness of integrity will actions be honest. In particular, it is necessary to raise awareness to properly implement Regulation 144-QD/TW of the Politburo on revolutionary ethical standards of cadres and party members in the new period. Accordingly, Party committees at all levels need to specify standards for positions of cadres, in which special attention must be paid to standards of revolutionary ethics and integrity. There must be an institutional framework to control power strongly enough, with strict mechanisms and principles to effectively implement integrity in practice.
To quickly bring revolutionary ethical standards of the new period into life, thereby improving the quality and effectiveness of Party building and rectification work at the local level, Party committees at all levels have thoroughly disseminated Regulation 144-QD/TW to each Party unit and Party member.
Along with that, concretize the contents of the Regulations with detailed plans, put into implementation in conjunction with each assigned responsibility and task of cadres and party members. In particular, concretize the requirements and criteria for each ethical standard, ensuring "setting an example" through the criteria: clean, no embezzlement, corruption, negativity, no trouble, harassment... Especially promote self-respect, honor, preserve dignity, do not let family, relatives and others take advantage of positions and work positions for personal gain... so that each cadre and party member, especially those holding positions, can self-reflect, self-correct, and self-train.
Thus, from practice, it can be seen that the culture of integrity is topical, urgent, and extremely necessary at the present time, not only in complying with legal regulations, but also in demonstrating self-respect, responsibility towards society and steadfastness in protecting true values. Each person becomes an example of integrity, contributing to building a strong, transparent and truly people-oriented political system that requires recognition and appropriate action. That is also a reminder that the culture of integrity is not just a slogan, but must become an indispensable part of daily life, guiding all actions and decisions. To make integrity a habit, to build a team of truly honest cadres is a long-term process and requires many synchronous solutions.
Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Trong Phuc: “Regulation 144-QD/TW is very necessary and appropriate in the period when the whole country is preparing for Party Congresses at all levels, towards the 14th National Party Congress. The 5 important ethical standards specified are the basis for assessing the qualities, personalities, attitudes, and behaviors of cadres and party members. Therefore, the Regulation will be a guideline for Party committees and organizations at all levels to consider, evaluate, and select cadres, include them in planning, and introduce them to elect new Party committees.”
Head of the Central Internal Affairs Commission Phan Dinh Trac said that the fight against corruption and negativity in recent times has been led, directed and implemented with very high political determination, carried out vigorously, resolutely, persistently, synchronously, comprehensively, methodically, and in depth. We have clearly identified and consistently implemented the motto "four no's" in preventing and combating corruption and negativity, including: "cannot", "don't dare", "don't want", "don't need" corruption and negativity. However, the situation of corruption and negativity in some areas is still complicated and serious, with major violations emerging in many areas. In particular, there is collusion and connection between degenerate and corrupt officials with enterprises and organizations to profit, causing loss of state assets, forming "interest groups", even influencing the work of officials and activities of state agencies, causing frustration among officials, party members and the people.
Building integrity and uprightness for cadres and party members is the root of the work of preventing and combating corruption, waste and negativity. According to the Head of the Central Internal Affairs Commission, solutions to "not want" corruption and negativity have not really received the attention, leadership and good implementation of Party committees and organizations at all levels, especially the work of educating integrity and building a culture of integrity has not been carried out systematically, extensively and regularly. In addition, the awareness of the content of integrity, culture of integrity, education of integrity, practice of integrity... is still not profound, complete and unified.
Faced with the reality that the training, cultivation, preservation and promotion of moral qualities of a significant number of people have seriously declined, Regulation 144 - QD/TW was issued to meet the requirements and serve as a basis for building public ethics, as a basis for continuing to promote the role of the Fatherland Front, socio-political organizations and the People in supervising the cultivation and training of moral lifestyles of leaders, key officials and cadres and party members. At the same time, the implementation of building a culture of integrity in all aspects and at many levels will continue to form an ethical "defense line" against corruption and negativity; establish a code of conduct to honor pure ethics. Building integrity and uprightness for cadres and party members is the foundation for building a clean and strong Party and political system, the root of the work of preventing and combating corruption, waste and negativity, contributing to building the Party in terms of ethics.
I believe that the exemplary and ethical behavior of cadres also creates motivation to promote people's trust in the Party. Therefore, cadres must be exemplary in style and ethics. Regulations on ethical standards must be incorporated into specific and definite activities and work to create change. In particular, the most important and fundamental factor is the awareness, responsibility and self-awareness of each cadre and party member in cultivating ethics, because a gem must be polished to shine and the more polished, the brighter it becomes.
Associate Professor, Dr. Bui Thi An, former National Assembly delegate
Source: https://kinhtedothi.vn/bai-4-ngoc-co-mai-moi-sang.html
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