Right before the new school year, the story of school overcharging is hotter than ever. As scheduled, while students across the country are eager to go to school, parents are busy worrying about money for books, tuition, uniforms... Among them, many parents in some places expressed disagreement, even anger with the series of voluntary fees at the beginning of the year. This is always a "hot" topic every new school year.
On September 5, schools in Quang Tri province simultaneously opened the new school year 2023 - 2024. (Photo: Cai Van Long).
Recently, a social media account posted a clip in which a staff member instructed students to buy uniforms and clearly stated that if they did not wear (uniform backpacks), security would not allow them to enter the school gate. The clip was said to have been filmed at a public high school in Ho Chi Minh City, recording an exchange between students and school staff about buying uniforms at the beginning of the school year.
Or the information that many parents in Quang Ninh are concerned about some educational institutions charging extra money to install curtains and air conditioners in classrooms; the information that parents want to install air conditioners and projectors and have to sign a commitment to donate them to a school in Thanh Tri district, Hanoi also caused a stir in public opinion.
At the beginning of every school year, parents complain about having to pay too much in fees and funds. They are even upset about a series of voluntary fees at the beginning of the year.
Ms. Le Thi Huong, Director of the Department of Education and Training of Quang Tri province.
Faced with that situation, Ms. Le Thi Huong, Director of the Department of Education and Training (DET) of Quang Tri province, said: On August 22, she signed document No. 1955/SGDĐT-KHTC on guiding the DET departments of districts, towns, cities and schools in Quang Tri province to implement the collection of fees for the 2023-2024 school year.
The document clearly states that the collection must be correct, the collection must be sufficient, and the collection must be used for the right purposes, economically and effectively. Schools are not allowed to set up a collection fee for the school's parent association fund. Homeroom teachers are not allowed to collect the fund for the parent association on behalf of the parent association, and are not allowed to collect the class fund. The school principal is responsible for supervising the implementation of the formation of the operating budget of the parent association, and is strictly forbidden from collecting on average. The operating budget of the parent association must not be used to pay for the following: Protecting school facilities, ensuring school security; cleaning classrooms, cleaning the school; rewarding school administrators, teachers, and staff; purchasing machinery, equipment, and teaching aids for schools, classrooms, or for school administrators, teachers, and staff; supporting management work, organizing teaching and learning activities; Repair, upgrade, and construct new school facilities. It is strictly forbidden to take advantage of the name of the Parents' Representative Board to collect fees outside of regulations.
Regarding tuition fees, which are budget revenues, implemented according to the budget year, therefore, at the beginning of the 2023-2024 school year, educational institutions will collect tuition fees monthly or at most until the end of December 2023. Tuition fees for the second semester of the 2023-2024 school year will be collected in 2024. Tuition fees will be deposited into the treasury deposit account according to regulations. It is strictly forbidden for units to create tuition fees without going through the expenditure control of the State Treasury.
The Department of Education and Training of Quang Tri province requires educational institutions to collect fees according to regulations for students in many installments during the school year; it is not allowed to collect all the fees from parents in one installment at the beginning of the school year, during the harvest season, or before Tet.
Tuition fees at all levels in Quang Tri province have been clearly regulated. (Photo: Cai Van Long).
The school organizes the collection, public expenditure and settlement of tuition fees through the school's finance department, and fulfills tax obligations according to regulations; tutors do not directly collect tuition fees.
Personal insurance is a voluntary fee; parents have the right to choose the type of insurance for their children.
Ms. Le Thi Huong, Director of the Department of Education and Training of Quang Tri province emphasized: There must be strict and timely handling of the Principals of educational institutions who allow negative incidents to occur in the name of the Parents' Representative Board to collect fees or force students against regulations. Schools are absolutely not allowed to arbitrarily impose additional fees on parents in any other form.
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