Resolution of the Provincial Party Executive Committee on continuing to build and develop Thanh Hoa culture and people in the new period

Việt NamViệt Nam05/07/2024

On July 4, 2024, the Thanh Hoa Provincial Party Committee issued Resolution No. 17-NQ/TU on continuing to build and develop Thanh Hoa culture and people in the new period. Thanh Hoa Newspaper respectfully introduces the full text of the Resolution.

Resolution of the Provincial Party Executive Committee on continuing to build and develop Thanh Hoa culture and people in the new period


Thanh Hoa is a land of “Spiritual Land and Talented People”, rich in historical, cultural and revolutionary traditions, always playing an important role in the history of building and defending the country of our people. Thanh Hoa is the birthplace of many feudal dynasties of Vietnam; the homeland of many national heroes, famous mandarins and generals in history and of many unique tangible and intangible cultural heritages. Thanh Hoa people are patriotic, studious, have a spirit of solidarity, humanity, loyalty, diligence, creativity, always have the will and aspiration to rise up in life.

Resolution of the Provincial Party Executive Committee on continuing to build and develop Thanh Hoa culture and people in the new period

Promoting the cultural traditions and the good cultural values ​​of the homeland; in recent years, the Provincial Party Committee and Party committees at all levels have always paid attention to leading and directing the promotion of the construction and development of Thanh Hoa culture and people to meet the requirements of industrialization, modernization and international integration, achieving many important results. The awareness of all levels, sectors, cadres, party members and people about the position, meaning and importance of culture and people is increasingly comprehensive, complete and profound. The tangible and intangible cultural heritages are preserved, conserved and gradually promoted in value. Literary, artistic, press and publishing activities have been innovated, improving quality and efficiency. The work of building a cultural environment has been implemented with many practical and effective forms. The system of cultural institutions has been gradually invested. The cultural and spiritual life of the people has been clearly improved, richer and more diverse. Thanh Hoa people are developing more and more comprehensively, closely linking and harmonizing traditional values ​​with modern values; indicators of labor productivity and human development index (HDI) are raised. The human factor is promoted, affirming its role as the center, subject and the most important driving force in implementing socio-economic development goals and tasks; many Thanh Hoa people have achieved outstanding achievements in all areas of social life, contributing to the development of their homeland and country.

However, the work of building and developing Thanh Hoa culture and people is generally not commensurate with the potential, expectations and requirements of the province. Some traditional cultural values ​​are at risk of being lost. Many tangible cultural heritages are damaged and degraded but there are no effective measures to preserve and embellish them. The exploitation and promotion of cultural heritage values ​​for traditional education, tourism development and services are not very effective. The development of literature and art is not commensurate with the historical and cultural traditions of the homeland, there is still a lack of great works with high ideological and artistic values. The system of cultural institutions and facilities and techniques serving cultural activities is not uniform, many works do not meet standards, and there are no large-scale, worthy works. Some indicators of human development, such as: Labor productivity, HDI index... are still low compared to the national average. The implementation of solutions to develop education, training, health care, poverty reduction, social security... to create material conditions for comprehensive human development is not good; the implementation of human rights in some areas of social life sometimes has limited results.

The main causes of the above-mentioned shortcomings and limitations are: The development of Thanh Hoa's culture and people has not had a major, synchronous and long-term orientation; the strength of the community in building and developing culture has not been exploited and promoted well to become the will and determination of the entire political system and the entire people. Some party committees, authorities, organizations, and leaders have not paid due attention to the work of building and developing culture and people; leadership and direction have not been truly drastic and effective. Mechanisms, policies, resources and solutions for developing culture and people have not been synchronous and unified, and there are still many shortcomings in organization and implementation; the cultural values, capacity and creativity of Thanh Hoa's people in building and developing their homeland and country have not been fully promoted...


1. Viewpoint

- Thanh Hoa culture and people are a solid material and spiritual foundation, an endogenous resource, an important driving force for the rapid and sustainable development of the Province. Cultural development must be placed on par with economic, political and social development; investment in culture and people is investment for rapid and sustainable development.

- Building and developing Thanh Hoa culture and people on the basis of preserving and promoting the fine traditional cultural values ​​of the homeland; at the same time, proactively and selectively absorbing the quintessence of national and contemporary culture, ensuring suitability and enriching the cultural values ​​of the homeland.

- Building and developing Thanh Hoa culture and people is a regular, continuous, long-term task, closely linked together. The core focus of cultural development is human development, especially building comprehensively developed people with noble personalities. Maximizing the human factor; taking people as the center, subject, main resource and goal of development.

- Building and developing Thanh Hoa culture and people is the responsibility of the entire political system and the entire people, under the leadership of Party committees at all levels, the management and administration of the government; promoting the advisory and coordination roles of all levels, sectors, the Fatherland Front, and organizations, especially the awareness and responsibility of each cadre, Party member and the role of cultural creativity of all classes of people.

2. Objective

2.1. General objectives : To build and comprehensively develop Thanh Hoa culture and people, aiming at the values ​​of truth - goodness - beauty, on the basis of inheriting and promoting the good cultural values, historical and revolutionary traditions of the homeland, selectively absorbing the cultural quintessence of the nation and humanity. Constantly improve the material and spiritual life of the people, narrowing the gap in cultural enjoyment between regions in the province. Take care to build a healthy, civilized and progressive cultural environment in families, clans, residential areas, agencies and units. To build an advanced literature and art, imbued with national identity; to develop high-quality cultural and tourism products imbued with the characteristics of Thanh Hoa. To focus on investing resources for the comprehensive development of culture and people, to be a solid material and spiritual foundation, truly becoming an important internal driving force and strength to promote Thanh Hoa's rapid and sustainable development; Strive to become a rich, civilized and modern province by 2030; by 2045, to be a comprehensively developed and "model" province of the whole country.

2.2. Specific targets by 2030 :

- 100% of Party committees, authorities, and organizations in the province lead and direct the organization to effectively implement the construction and promotion of cultural values ​​and human strength of Thanh Hoa.

- 100% of schools in the province organize propaganda and education activities for students about building and promoting cultural values ​​and human strength of Thanh Hoa.

- Build cultural and sports institutions and works from the province to the grassroots in a synchronous and modern manner; invest in building new provincial-level works of regional and national significance, specifically:

+ Provincial level: Construction of Provincial Museum, Provincial Cultural - Cinema Center, Thanh Culture Park, Children's Cultural Palace; Provincial Stadium meeting standards, Multi-purpose Gymnasium and Regional-scale Water Sports Area, a number of modern works in the Provincial Sports Complex according to the plan.

+ District level: 100% of districts, towns and cities have a standard Cultural - Sports Center or Stadium; build a cultural institution for workers in industrial parks attached to social housing areas.

+ Commune level: 100% of commune-level administrative units have commune-level cultural facilities (Cultural - Sports Center or Multi-purpose Cultural - Sports Hall); of which 20 to 30% or more of communes have standard Cultural - Sports Centers.

+ In villages and residential groups: 100% of villages and residential groups have cultural houses - sports areas; of which, 80% or more of villages in districts, towns and cities in the plains and coastal areas and 60% or more of villages and hamlets in mountainous districts have standard cultural houses - sports areas.

- 100% of localities have well implemented the movement "All people unite to build a cultural life" associated with the Campaign "All people unite to build new rural areas and civilized urban areas" and the model titles of the province.

- 100% of ranked relics, treasures and national intangible cultural heritages are protected in accordance with the law, science and effectively promoted. Prepare dossiers to submit to competent authorities for recognition of 1 World Cultural Heritage, at least 1 special national relic. Every year, 2 to 3 types of intangible cultural heritages are included in the List of National Intangible Cultural Heritages.

- 100% of district-level units and equivalents build traditional houses or traditional rooms according to regulations; 80% of commune-level administrative units have traditional rooms; 100% of communes reaching the Model New Rural Area finish line have traditional rooms; 100% of units doing conservation and library work (provincial and district levels) digitize valuable documents and artifacts about Thanh Hoa land and people.

- There are 1 to 2 artists who receive the State Prize for Literature and Arts; 3 or more artists are awarded the title of People's Artist, 10 or more artists are awarded the title of Meritorious Artist.

- 100% of cadres, civil servants and public employees at all levels in the province are regularly trained to improve their professional qualifications and equipped with foreign language skills appropriate to their job positions.

- 100% of units and enterprises in the fields of cultural services, tourism and foreign elements organize well the propaganda and education on civilized behavior and foreign languages ​​for employees.

- Labor productivity and human development index (HDI) of the province are among the top 20 provinces and cities in the country.

- 90% or more of leaders, managers and cultural consultants at the provincial level; 75% or more of district-level officials and 60% of communal-level cultural officials have a university degree or higher in culture, or in social sciences and humanities.

2.3. Vision to 2045 : Building Thanh Hoa people to develop comprehensively and civilizedly; Thanh Hoa province to be rich, beautiful, exemplary, with a rich culture, imbued with national identity, modern development, and one of the major cultural centers of the region and the country.


1. Strengthen the leadership and direction of Party committees and authorities; promote the role of the Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations in building and developing Thanh Hoa culture and people.

Party committees and authorities at all levels must identify building and developing Thanh Hoa culture and people to meet the requirements of integration in the new period as a regular, long-term goal and task, creating motivation for rapid and sustainable development. Leadership and direction must be resolute, with specific programs and plans, suitable to the locality, unit and development orientation of the province.

Resolution of the Provincial Party Executive Committee on continuing to build and develop Thanh Hoa culture and people in the new period

Continue to innovate and improve the effectiveness and efficiency of state management of culture. Perfect the organization of the state management apparatus of culture in the direction of streamlining, effective and efficient operation. Focus on reviewing, amending, supplementing and perfecting legal documents, mechanisms and policies related to cultural and human development, ensuring timely compliance with Party regulations, State policies and laws and practical requirements. Strengthen inspection and examination, promptly detect and strictly handle violations in cultural activities, literature and arts, performing arts, press and publishing management, etc.; promptly orientate social ideology and opinion, contributing to building a healthy, civilized and progressive cultural environment.

The Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations at all levels play a core role in propagating and mobilizing people of all walks of life to actively participate in building and promoting the cultural values ​​and people of Thanh Hoa, meeting the requirements of rapid and sustainable development; strengthen supervision and social criticism activities in the organization and implementation of all levels, sectors and localities in the province.

2. Promote propaganda and education on building and developing Thanh Hoa culture and people in the new period.

Promote propaganda and dissemination of the Party's guidelines and policies, the State's laws on building and developing Vietnamese culture and people to meet the requirements of rapid and sustainable national development. Focus on educating and raising awareness of cadres, party members and people about the viewpoints and goals of building and developing Thanh Hoa culture and people in the context of a market economy and international integration. Raise awareness, arouse and promote patriotism, national pride, conscience and responsibility of each Thanh Hoa citizen towards themselves, their families, communities, society and homeland and country.

Resolution of the Provincial Party Executive Committee on continuing to build and develop Thanh Hoa culture and people in the new period

Promote the role of press and media agencies, the Provincial Literature and Arts Association and member organizations in orienting ideology, aesthetics, and comprehensively developing human personality towards standards and values ​​of truth - goodness - beauty. Continue to promote examples of "Good people, good deeds". Increase the amount of propaganda on mass media and publications in the province; expand propaganda on digital technology platforms, harmoniously and effectively combine traditional and modern forms of propaganda.

Resolutely fight against and refute wrong views, bad and toxic information on cyberspace that negatively affect the thinking and behavior of cadres, party members and the people, especially among young people. Strictly handle the abuse of freedom of belief and religion to distort and sabotage the Party's guidelines and policies, the State's policies and laws, and to encourage and entice others to participate in heretical religions and superstitious activities.

3. Innovate and improve the quality and effectiveness of cultural activities; build and develop unique cultural products and services to meet the creative and enjoyment needs of the people.

Innovate the activities of composition, promotion, research, literary and artistic criticism, journalism, and publishing commensurate with the potential, advantages, cultural traditions, and people of Thanh Hoa, contributing to the effective implementation of political tasks and constantly improving the spiritual life of the people. Improve the effectiveness of collecting and disseminating Thanh Hoa folk arts; continue to improve the quality of activities of the Thanh Hoa Literature and Arts Magazine.

Improve the quality of performing arts activities in a professional manner, in line with the trend of the times; at the same time, focus on promoting the cultural identity of Thanh in the plays and art programs of Lam Son Singing - Dancing - Drama Theater and Thanh Hoa Traditional Arts Theater. Build a model of "School Theater" with traditional theater genres. Strengthen the organization of mass art activities, mobile film screenings, exhibitions, and information to promote Thanh Hoa culture and people in localities and regions in the province, especially among youth, ethnic minorities, in remote areas, border areas, and workers in industrial parks. Encourage the organization and development of cultural, artistic, physical education and sports movements and activities among the masses, create all favorable conditions for people to participate in cultural, artistic, physical education and sports activities, especially in rural, mountainous and border areas, ensuring fairness in cultural enjoyment for all people.

Resolution of the Provincial Party Executive Committee on continuing to build and develop Thanh Hoa culture and people in the new period

Forming and promoting the development of cultural industry on the basis of exploiting the potential and advantages of natural conditions, history and culture of the province; linking cultural industry with tourism and cultural service industries, such as: Performing arts, fashion, advertising..., in line with development trends. Researching and building business models in the field of cultural industry to promote trade and promote cultural products of Thanh Hoa province to domestic and international friends.

Strengthen and develop the travel network; diversify and improve the quality of tourism products and types, such as: sea tourism, eco-tourism, cultural - historical tourism, spiritual tourism,... on the basis of promoting the potential and advantages of nature, culture and people of Thanh Hoa.

4. Strengthening the protection and promotion of cultural heritage values

Promote the image of Thanh Hoa culture and people to domestic and international friends, associated with investment, trade, tourism and service promotion. Mobilize the strength of the whole society to preserve and promote heritages and traditional cultural values, encourage the creation of new cultural values; build brands for typical cultural products of Thanh Hoa.

Resolution of the Provincial Party Executive Committee on continuing to build and develop Thanh Hoa culture and people in the new period

Continue to effectively implement Conclusion No. 82-KL/TU dated May 30, 2017 of the Provincial Party Standing Committee (18th tenure) "On strengthening the leadership of Party committees at all levels in the work of preserving and promoting the cultural heritage values ​​of Thanh Hoa province, period 2017-2025" and the Party's policies and resolutions, relevant policies and laws of the State. Focus on investing resources to preserve, renovate, restore and embellish historical and cultural relics; build effective management models, linking the preservation and promotion of cultural heritage with tourism development. Improve the quality of collection, research, inventory and classification of intangible cultural heritage; restore, preserve and promote types of intangible cultural heritage and traditional arts with typical values ​​of the land and people of Thanh Hoa. Build museums, traditional houses, and traditional rooms to preserve and promote cultural heritage values.

Promote digital transformation in management and cultural activities; prioritize digitalization of cultural heritage systems, tourist areas, museums, exhibitions, information systems, communications, advertising, and provincial library databases...

5. Building Thanh Hoa people to develop comprehensively to meet the requirements of rapid and sustainable development of the homeland and country.

Building a healthy cultural environment, civilized lifestyle in families, clans, localities, communities, agencies, units, schools, enterprises, culture in politics and economics, culture in public places,... creating a healthy environment to educate and train Thanh Hoa people to develop comprehensively in all aspects of "Ethics - Intelligence - Fitness - Aesthetics", based on the core of the national value system, cultural value system, family value system and standards of Vietnamese people in the new era.

Continue to promote and improve the quality of the movement "All people unite to build a cultural life" associated with the Campaign "All people unite to build new rural areas and civilized urban areas"; build a cultural, civilized and progressive lifestyle, associated with preserving and promoting traditional values, customs and traditions of families, clans and localities. Uphold the spirit of solidarity, honesty, humanity and affection; cultivate in each citizen, especially the young generation, good traditional values ​​in behavior, humane lifestyle, respect for honor, living responsibly towards society, having a scientific worldview, ideals and aspirations to contribute; promote democracy associated with the rule of law; live with self-respect, have the courage to fight against evil, honor the beauty and goodness in society. At the same time, actively overcome the existing limitations in personality and awareness to build Thanh Hoa people of the new era to be civilized, progressive, closely linking and harmonizing traditional values ​​and modern values.

Building a healthy and safe school culture, creating the best environment and conditions to educate and train students in knowledge, ideals, qualities, personality, and lifestyle; focusing on moral education, patriotism, love of homeland, national pride, historical and revolutionary traditions of the homeland and country.

Focus on building culture in Party, State agencies, socio-political organizations, contributing to building a clean and strong political system. Build a healthy and honest office culture environment; a team of cadres, civil servants and public employees with revolutionary ethics, dedicated to work, and in compliance with discipline and order. Strictly implement regulations on setting an example, "self-reflection, self-correction", voluntarily implementing the culture of resignation and job transfer if capacity and prestige do not meet the requirements of the task. Promote studying and following Ho Chi Minh's ideology, morality and style. Proactively detect, prevent, combat and strictly handle signs of degradation in political ideology, morality and lifestyle, signs of "self-evolution" and "self-transformation" within the organization; acts of corruption, waste and negativity.

Building culture in the economy, focusing on building corporate culture and business culture. Encouraging economic sectors, businesses and businessmen to invest in developing production and business, building product brands, complying with the law, respecting reputation, preserving and protecting the ecological environment, ensuring food hygiene and safety. Building a team of businessmen to become the core force to promote rapid and sustainable socio-economic development.

Focus on improving and enhancing the quality of life, creating stable jobs, ensuring social security and welfare for the people, creating favorable material conditions to serve the comprehensive development of Thanh Hoa people. Improve the quality of mass education, narrow the gap in education quality between urban and rural areas, plains and mountainous areas; maintain the leading educational achievements in the country. Focus on improving physical health, fitness, and stature for all people, especially the young generation. Focus on improving and enhancing the quality of human resources, rapidly increasing labor productivity; improving the qualifications, capacity, professional skills and discipline of workers; strengthen the connection of vocational education activities with the labor market; prioritize training and developing high-quality human resources in the fields of: Industry, agriculture, science - technology, tourism, services... to serve the socio-economic development of the province.

6. Regularly take care of building, developing, improving the qualifications, capacity, and qualities of the staff, civil servants, and public employees in the fields of culture, literature, and art, to meet the requirements of the tasks.

Improve the quality of planning, selection, training, fostering, using and rewarding human resources in the culture, sports and tourism sector. Pay attention to planning, arranging and using cultural staff; select and arrange cultural staff at all levels with appropriate professional qualifications and skills, meeting the requirements of the task; overcome the "patchwork" situation in arranging cultural staff from the province to the grassroots level.

Focusing on training and training for the contingent of district and grassroots cultural officials, especially the staff of cultural work in the mountainous areas and ethnic minority areas; Intelligence, creativity, contributing to the cause of building, developing culture and people of Thanh Hoa.

Resolution of the Provincial Party Executive Committee on continuing to build and develop Thanh Hoa culture and people in the new period

Innovating the content and mode of operation of the Provincial Literature and Arts Association and specialized members of the member.

7. Building and security of mechanisms and policies ;

Continuing to research and develop mechanisms, policies and prioritize resources to build and develop culture and people in Thanh Hoa in the new period. Businesses for cultural development and people of Thanh Hoa.

To build and promulgate appropriate mechanisms and policies to attract high quality human resources working in the field of culture in the province. Young actors have talent to supplement the professional theaters of the province.

Completing the construction of typical cultural and sports works of the province, including: Provincial Museum, Cultural - Cinema Center, Provincial Cinema, Cultural Park of Thanh, Children's Cultural Palace, Provincial Stadium, Provincial Stadium, qualified to organize cultural and sports events of the province, national and international. Elements of each locality. Promoting the effectiveness of the cultural institution system from the province to the grassroots level, especially the museum system, library, cultural - communication center, sports and community cultural houses.

Mobilizing urban embellishment resources, building new rural areas, new rural models; Building transportation infrastructure connecting areas and tourist sites; supporting construction, maintenance and replication of cultural and sports clubs. Investment in preserving and promoting traditional cultural values, encouraging new cultural values.

8. Innovation and improving the effectiveness of exchange and international cooperation activities on construction and development

Continuing to be proactive and positive, diversifying forms of organizing cultural exchange and cooperation activities with provinces, cities, relevant central ministries and branches, localities in the world of countries in the world and UNESCO in Vietnam to preserve and promote the historical, cultural and revolutionary values ​​of the homeland. Chemistry is not suitable for pure style, customs, cultural traditions, contributing to preserving and enriching the cultural identity of the locality and the nation.

Resolution of the Provincial Party Executive Committee on continuing to build and develop Thanh Hoa culture and people in the new period

Actively participate in cooperation, exchange and research activities with domestic provinces and cities and localities and international organizations. region, domestically and abroad.


1. Committees , Party officials, Party Committee, departments, branches, national political organizations, socio -political organizations at the provincial level, districts, towns and party committees directly under the Provincial Party Committee organize and thoroughly grasp the resolutions to officials, party members and people of all classes;

2. The Provincial People's Council's Party Committee leads the provincial People's Council to promulgate mechanisms, policies and ensure resources to implement the resolution to achieve the highest efficiency.

3. The Party Committee of the Provincial People's Committee leads the provincial People's Committee to develop an action plan to implement the Resolution, concretize into mechanisms and policies to implement the Resolution.

4. The Fatherland Front, socio -political organizations at all levels actively propagate, mobilize union members , members and people of all strata to participate in building and promoting cultural values ​​and people in Thanh Hoa to meet the requirements of fast and sustainable development; , local, agency, unit.

5. The Provincial Party Propaganda Department presides over and coordinates with the Office of the Provincial Party Committee to advise the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee to organize the Conference to thoroughly grasp, deploy and study resolutions in the whole provincial Party Committee. Conclusion of resolutions.

T/M Provincial Party Committee


Do Trong Hung

Source: -nguoi-thanh-hoa-ky-moi-218575.htm.htm

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