On the afternoon of July 8, under the chairmanship of comrades: Do Trong Hung, member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council; Le Tien Lam, member of the Provincial Party Standing Committee, Permanent Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Council; Nguyen Quang Hai, member of the Provincial Party Committee, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Council, the 20th session of the 18th Thanh Hoa Provincial People's Council continued with the presentation of the proposal and report on the results of supervision.
Overview of the meeting.
Delegates attending the meeting
The National Target Program on New Rural Construction continues to achieve important and positive results.
At the beginning, Comrade Nguyen Quang Hai, Member of the Provincial Party Committee, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Council presented the report of the Provincial People's Council on the results of monitoring the implementation of the National Target Program on New Rural Development (NRD) from 2021 to 2023 in Thanh Hoa province. Accordingly, during the period from 2021 to 2023, despite many difficulties and challenges; however, under the timely and close leadership and direction of the Provincial Party Committee, the Provincial People's Council, the Provincial People's Committee and the Steering Committee of the Provincial NRD Programs; the efforts of all levels, sectors, the business community and all classes of people, the NRD Program on New Rural Development of the province continues to achieve important and positive results.
Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Council Nguyen Quang Hai presented a report at the meeting.
The leadership and direction of the implementation of the Program have been carried out resolutely and synchronously by all levels and sectors; basically, the mechanisms, policies, documents on leadership, direction, administration and guidance for the implementation of the New Rural Construction Program in the province have been issued promptly, with many innovations, in line with practical requirements, creating conditions for localities to accelerate the progress of building New Rural Areas, improve the quality of criteria for building advanced New Rural Areas and model New Rural Areas in the period of 2021 - 2025 according to the set Plan.
By the end of 2023, the whole province will have 13 district-level units meeting NTM standards; 360/465 communes meeting NTM standards; 90 communes recognized as meeting advanced NTM standards; 16 communes meeting model NTM standards. The number of OCOP products is among the top 5 provinces in the country and is diverse in types. The whole province has 496 recognized OCOP products, including 1 5-star product, 57 4-star products, 438 3-star products of 344 OCOP entities (73 enterprises, 102 cooperatives, 10 cooperative groups, 159 production and business households)...
Delegates attending the meeting.
In addition to the achieved results, there are still difficulties, problems and shortcomings, such as: The implementation and propaganda work in some localities is not regular, not extensive, not really in-depth; the propaganda content is not close to the actual situation. The results of implementing the National Target Program on New Rural Construction in some localities are not really sustainable; there are still quite large differences between regions and areas in the province.
Restructuring the agricultural sector towards increasing value and sustainable development has received attention, however, the scale of production is still small, competitiveness is not high, the rate of agricultural products produced according to VietGap and organic standards is still low; the application of high technology in agricultural production is still limited. Mobilizing resources to implement the New Rural Development Program is still very difficult, especially resources from enterprises, cooperatives and the people...
Strengthening management of some industries and business investment with conditions on security and order
Next, comrade Nguyen Ngoc Tien, member of the Standing Committee, Head of the Provincial Party Committee's Internal Affairs Committee, Head of the Provincial People's Council's Legal Committee, presented a report of the Provincial People's Council's Legal Committee on the results of monitoring the implementation of legal provisions in state management of a number of conditional investment and business sectors and professions on security and order in the province from 2021 to 2023.
Comrade Nguyen Ngoc Tien, member of the Standing Committee, Head of the Provincial Party Committee's Internal Affairs Committee, Head of the Provincial People's Council's Legal Committee presented a report at the meeting.
According to the report, in recent years, authorities at all levels and functional sectors have deployed and strictly implemented legal regulations on the management of conditional investment and business sectors in terms of security and order, both creating favorable conditions for production and business activities and ensuring security and order. The police force has promoted its core role, actively and proactively deployed and proposed many solutions to prevent, combat and stop acts of taking advantage of conditional business sectors to commit violations of the law.
Delegates attending the meeting.
The dissemination and popularization of the law is carried out in a variety of forms, suitable for each target group; the granting of business licenses and certificates of eligibility for security and order is conducted publicly and transparently, creating favorable conditions for enterprises, establishments, organizations and individuals in the process of registration and business activities.
The inspection and examination work has been regularly strengthened by the relevant agencies, promptly correcting and overcoming limitations and shortcomings; at the same time detecting, preventing and handling violations of the law and fighting against all types of crimes. The above results have contributed to maintaining security and order in the area, creating a stable environment, contributing to the socio-economic development of the province.
Delegates attending the meeting.
However, the state management of some industries and professions with conditions on security and order in the province still has shortcomings and limitations, such as: The management of the activities of business establishments with conditions on security and order, especially pawnshops, karaoke, beauty salons, massage... in some localities is not strict, still allowing the situation of establishments operating in disguise, violating the law and giving rise to social evils, causing insecurity and order in the area and even having to be prosecuted. The work of inspection, examination and handling of violations is sometimes and in some places not drastic, the results of handling violations are not commensurate with the violations, the sanctions are not strong enough to deter...
Policies and regimes for people with revolutionary contributions are being implemented with attention.
Comrade Nguyen Tuan Tuong, Deputy Head of the Culture - Social Committee of the Provincial People's Council presented the report of the Culture - Social Committee of the Provincial People's Council on the results of monitoring the implementation of regimes and policies for people with revolutionary contributions in the province, period 2021 - 2023.
Deputy Head of the Culture - Social Committee of the Provincial People's Council Nguyen Tuan Tuong presented a report at the meeting.
Accordingly, on the basis of the provisions of the Ordinance on preferential treatment for people with revolutionary contributions, policies issued by the Central and the province, the leadership and direction of the Provincial Party Committee, People's Council, Provincial People's Committee, the coordination of the Provincial Fatherland Front Committee, preferential policies and regimes for people with revolutionary contributions and relatives of people with revolutionary contributions in the province have been implemented and achieved many positive results.
The work of receiving dossiers, resolving regimes and reforming administrative procedures has been carried out with attention. All levels, sectors, localities and the business community in the province have implemented regulations on policies for people with meritorious services fully and promptly, demonstrating the deep gratitude of the Party, the State and the People towards people with meritorious services. The lives of people with meritorious services and their relatives have been constantly improved. Up to now, the whole province has no families of people with meritorious services who are poor households. Over 99.8% of households of people with meritorious services to the revolution have a standard of living equal to or higher than the average standard of living of the community.
In addition to the achievements, there are still difficulties, obstacles, shortcomings and limitations, such as: The work of propagating and disseminating regimes and policies for people with meritorious services to the revolution in some localities is sometimes not timely and not very effective. The work of inspecting and examining the implementation of legal regulations on policies for people with meritorious services is not regular. The work of monitoring and managing people with meritorious services at the commune level is sometimes not strict...
The national target program on socio-economic development in ethnic minority and mountainous areas has achieved many positive results.
Next, comrade Nguyen Van Hung, member of the Standing Committee, Head of the Provincial Party Committee's Organization Committee, Head of the Provincial People's Council's Ethnic Committee, presented a report of the Provincial People's Council's Ethnic Committee on the results of monitoring the implementation of the National Target Program on socio-economic development in ethnic minority and mountainous areas from 2021 to 2023.
Comrade Nguyen Van Hung, Standing Committee Member, Head of the Provincial Party Committee's Organization Committee, Head of the Provincial People's Council's Ethnic Committee presented a report at the meeting.
Accordingly, the leadership and direction of the implementation of the Program has been carried out resolutely, synchronously and widely by all levels and sectors; many state management documents on direction, operation, mechanisms, policies and implementation documents have been promptly issued, thereby creating a legal corridor for the implementation of the Program.
The program has contributed to gradually narrowing the gap in living standards and income of ethnic minority and mountainous areas compared to the average of the whole province and the whole country; gradually reducing the number of communes and villages with special difficulties; planning, arranging and stabilizing the population, building a synchronous economic and social infrastructure system; education, training, health care and culture have gradually developed; people's lives have been significantly improved; preserving and promoting the cultural identity of ethnic minorities along with eliminating backward customs and practices...
The poverty rate in ethnic minority and mountainous areas in 2023 will decrease by 4.15%, from 15.19% to 11.05% (a decrease of 9,540 poor households from 35,229 households to 32,582 households); the average income of ethnic minority and mountainous areas is estimated to be 40.7 million VND by the end of 2023. The material and spiritual life of the people is increasingly improved.
In addition to the achieved results, there are still shortcomings and limitations: The counterpart fund from the provincial budget to implement the Program according to regulations has not been given attention and arrangement. The payment and settlement of completed works and projects that have been handed over and put into use are still slower than prescribed; the management, maintenance and repair of some works have not been given attention, leading to rapid deterioration of the works...
Focus on resolving voters' opinions and recommendations
Next, comrade Le Thi Huong, Deputy Head of the Legal Committee of the Provincial People's Council, presented a report of the Legal Committee of the Provincial People's Council summarizing the results of the examination and settlement of voters' opinions and recommendations sent to the 7th, 11th, 14th and 17th sessions of the 18th Provincial People's Council.
Comrade Le Thi Huong, Deputy Head of the Legal Committee of the Provincial People's Council presented the report.
Accordingly, based on the opinions and recommendations of voters sent to the sessions of the Provincial People's Council, the Provincial People's Committee promptly classified and issued written instructions, assigning specific responsibilities to departments, branches, and People's Committees of districts, towns, and cities to conduct inspections, strengthen coordination, improve responsibility and quality of advice to the Provincial People's Committee in responding to and resolving voters' recommendations and reporting to the Provincial People's Council on the implementation results within the required time limit.
The settlement of voters' petitions in the past time has been focused on leadership and direction by the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Council and the Provincial People's Committee, along with the active and responsible participation of the Provincial Fatherland Front Committee and socio-political organizations, demonstrating a sense of responsibility to voters and people in the province. Thereby, it has met the legitimate aspirations of voters, created consensus among the people, promptly resolved difficulties and obstacles for the locality, contributed to socio-economic development, maintained political stability, and social order and safety in the province.
Overview of the meeting.
Through the examination, it was found that the majority of the recommendations were clearly answered by the Provincial People's Committee, with focus, key points, specific solutions and implementation roadmaps, basically answering the recommendations that voters were interested in; the quality of resolving opinions and recommendations was improved. Many recommendations of voters at the 17th session and previous sessions were directed by the Provincial People's Committee to be completely resolved, such as: implementing investment in repairing and upgrading the Canal Nam 506 route from Thieu Hoa town to Tho Xuan district; upgrading the dike surface of Cau Chay river; constructing the embankment project to prevent landslides and landslides on the left bank of Ma river; allocating funds for the project to arrange and stabilize residents in areas at high risk of flash floods, landslides in mountainous districts of the province...
Delegates attending the meeting.
In addition to the achieved results, the settlement of voters' opinions and recommendations sent to the 17th session and the recommendations being resolved and unresolved from previous sessions still have some shortcomings and limitations: There are still many contents that voters have proposed that have not been completely resolved, specifically, 123/334 recommendations are being resolved, accounting for 36.83%. The Provincial People's Committee has directed the implementation of some recommendations, but the settlement results are still slow and prolonged, voters have made recommendations many times, up to now, 83/242 recommendations from previous sessions have not been resolved, accounting for 34.30%...
Comrade Nguyen Quang Hai, Provincial Party Committee member, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Council presented the Report.
At the meeting, comrade Nguyen Quang Hai, member of the Provincial Party Committee, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Council presented the Proposal of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Council requesting approval of the Provincial People's Council's Supervision Program in 2025.
Comrade Nguyen Van Thi, Member of the Provincial Party Standing Committee, Permanent Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee presented the report of the Provincial People's Committee.
Next, comrade Nguyen Van Thi, member of the Provincial Party Standing Committee, Permanent Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee presented the report of the Provincial People's Committee on the submissions at the meeting, including: Detailed allocation of investment capital plan in the local budget balance, investment capital from lottery revenue in 2024. Detailed allocation of medium-term public investment plan, capital source for increased revenue, savings on provincial budget expenditure in the period 2021 - 2025 of Thanh Hoa province (phase 3). Supplementing capital source for increased revenue, savings on provincial budget expenditure in 2023 transferred to implementation in 2024 (phase 2), central budget capital (reserve mobilization capital) and savings on provincial budget expenditure in 2024 (phase 1) into the 2024 state budget public investment plan of Thanh Hoa province. Approve the list of projects requiring land recovery, projects to change the purpose of using rice fields, protective forests, special-use forests and decide on the policy of changing the purpose of using forests in the province, phase 4, 2024.
Adjusting the investment policy of the National Highway 45 bypass project to the industrial cluster northwest of Quan Lao town, Yen Dinh district. Regulating the collection, exemption, reduction, collection, payment, management and use of fees and charges under the authority of the Provincial People's Council. Amending a number of contents in Article 1 of Resolution No. 64/2017/NQ-HDND dated July 12, 2017 of the Provincial People's Council on regulating the regime of working expenses and the regime of expenses for organizing conferences for state agencies and public service units in Thanh Hoa province. Abolishing Resolution No. 387/2021/NQ-HDND dated April 26, 2021 of the Provincial People's Council stipulating a number of expenditure levels for the election of deputies to the 15th National Assembly and People's Councils at all levels for the 2021-2026 term in Thanh Hoa province. Regulations on the number, titles, policies and regimes for non-professional workers at the commune, village and residential group levels in Thanh Hoa province. Investment policy for the project to complete the online conference system of Thanh Hoa province to ensure connection from the provincial to the commune level. Investment policy for the project to purchase an accelerator radiotherapy system at the Thanh Hoa Provincial Oncology Hospital.
Amending Point c, Clause 1, Clause 2 and Clause 3, Article 1 of Resolution No. 05/2022/NQ-HDND, dated December 11, 2022 of the Provincial People's Council, regulating the level of support for independent, private and non-public preschools; children and teachers at independent, private preschools in areas with industrial parks in Thanh Hoa province. Amending and supplementing the appendix of the Bank of street names, streets and public works in Thanh Hoa province, issued together with Resolution No. 90/2017/NQ-HDND, dated December 7, 2017 of the Provincial People's Council.
Head of the Provincial Party Committee's Propaganda Department, Head of the Provincial People's Council's Culture and Social Affairs Department Dao Xuan Yen presented a report summarizing the results of the examination of the submissions.
Next, comrade Dao Xuan Yen, member of the Standing Committee, Head of the Provincial Party Committee's Propaganda Department, Head of the Provincial People's Council's Culture and Social Affairs Department, representing the Provincial People's Council's Committees, presented a report summarizing the results of the examination of the submissions and draft resolutions submitted at the meeting.
Continue to propose solutions to implement goals and tasks for the last 6 months of the year
Continuing the discussion at the meeting, delegates said: The results achieved in the first 6 months of the year clearly demonstrated the determination in leadership and direction of the Provincial Party Committee, People's Council, and Provincial People's Committee right from the beginning of the year. It is also the result of the active participation of the entire political system, the efforts of the business community and all classes of people.
Overview of the meeting.
Delegates also highlighted the achievements, shortcomings and limitations related to many issues such as the preparation and approval of the 2024 district-level land use plan; site clearance for investment projects; state budget collection activities; progress of investment projects in industrial park infrastructure, industrial clusters and solid waste treatment projects; housing development for workers, etc.
Director of Thanh Hoa Tax Department Ngo Dinh Hung speaks at the meeting.
Delegates also forecasted the impact on the province's development and proposed solutions that need to be prioritized to remove difficulties and obstacles in areas such as: Strengthening work, connections, and coordination with central ministries and branches, especially the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment to increase the target of converting land specialized for wet rice cultivation to other types of land to create conditions for implementing key investment projects for socio-economic development. Focusing on directing the good implementation of the Thanh Hoa Provincial Planning for the period 2021 - 2030, with a vision to 2045 and the Thanh Hoa Urban Master Plan, Thanh Hoa Province to 2040.
Thieu Hoa District Party Secretary Nguyen Van Bien spoke at the meeting.
The Central Government is requested to promptly review, amend, supplement and complete documents guiding the implementation of national target programs; at the same time, promptly implement the contents of adjustments and supplements to a number of contents of the socio-economic development program for ethnic minority areas according to Resolution No. 100/2023/NQ15 of the National Assembly. Timely allocate annual funds to all levels, sectors and localities to organize the implementation of policies for ethnic minorities and mountainous areas according to regulations. Well implement the Government's instructions on solutions to remove obstacles and promote the safe, healthy and sustainable development of the real estate market and create revenue for the state budget...
Comrade Nguyen Quang Hai, Provincial Party Committee member, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Council, spoke at the end of the discussion session.
Speaking at the end of the discussion session, on behalf of the Presidium of the meeting, Comrade Nguyen Quang Hai, Member of the Provincial Party Committee, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Council, highly appreciated the discussion opinions of the delegates, many of which were of high quality, discussed in depth, and highlighted practical issues facing Thanh Hoa province.
Of which, there were 14 opinions from delegates contributing to the summary report on the socio-economic situation, national defense and security of the Provincial People's Committee in the first 6 months of the year, key tasks for the last 6 months of 2024; monitoring reports of the Provincial People's Council Committees; and submissions at the meeting.
In addition to appreciating the results Thanh Hoa achieved in the first 6 months of 2024, delegates also pointed out difficulties and limitations; analyzed, proposed many solutions for implementation and proposed and recommended many issues to the province to successfully implement the goals and tasks in the last 6 months of 2024 and the following years.
Tomorrow afternoon (July 9), the Provincial People's Council will conduct a question and answer session.
PV Group
Source: https://baothanhhoa.vn/ky-hop-thu-20-hdnd-tinh-thanh-hoa-khoa-xviii-nghe-cac-to-trinh-va-bao-cao-ket-qua-giam-sat-218896.htm
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