On the morning of September 29, under the chairmanship of Comrade Bui Dinh Long - Member of the Provincial Party Executive Committee, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee, the Provincial People's Committee held a Conference to contribute comments on the draft Regulations on speaking, providing information to the press and handling information posted and broadcast in the press, information reflected on social networks of state administrative agencies in the province. Attending the conference were representatives of leaders of provincial departments, branches, sectors and districts, cities and towns.

The Draft Regulation consists of 4 chapters and 16 articles. Compared to Decision 62/2013/QD-UBND of the Provincial People's Committee promulgating regulations on speaking, providing, posting, broadcasting and handling information in the press in Nghe An province, it has an increase of 1 chapter and 7 articles.
This Draft Regulation aims to regulate the subjects of spokespersons, the regime of speaking and providing information to the press; handling information posted and broadcast in the press; information reflected on social networks Facebook, Zalo, Mocha, Youtube, Tiktok... (collectively referred to as social networks) of state administrative agencies in Nghe An province according to the provisions of the law on the press and related legal documents.

The development of regulations aims to help state agencies, cadres, civil servants and public employees improve their responsibility in performing their duties, public service and speaking; at the same time, avoid overlapping and omission of matters in providing and handling press and social network information.

The consultation process received comments from provincial departments, branches, district People's Committees, commune People's Committees, and relevant units and was posted on the province's electronic information portal for comments.
The new point of this draft Regulation is the addition of content on handling information on social networks. It stipulates proactive handling of information on social networks; handling information that reflects the truth; handling information that reflects falsely or has false content; handling information reflected on social networks according to the direction of the Provincial People's Committee or the request of the Department of Information and Communications.

Discussing the draft content, some issues that leaders of departments, branches and localities are interested in and commenting on are: who makes the statement and the form of statement, providing information to the press; rights and responsibilities in speaking and providing information to the press.

Highly agreeing with the content of the regulation on handling information reflected on social networks, many opinions said that this is very necessary content and needs to have specific sanctions. However, the new regulation is only based on the practical use of social networks in the area, therefore, the Department of Information and Communications (the drafting agency) needs to have a guiding document from the Ministry of Information and Communications to ensure the legality of the promulgated regulation.

Concluding the conference, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Bui Dinh Long requested the Department of Information and Communications to absorb the opinions of the delegates, supplement the applicable subjects, amend the title to ensure accuracy; edit the concise sentences, ensure compliance with the law and Decree 09/2017 of the Government detailing the speaking and providing information to the press of State administrative agencies to present at the upcoming regular meeting of the Provincial People's Committee.
After the regulations are issued, training will be organized for officials of agencies to ensure good implementation throughout the province.

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