(NLDO) - Today, the weather in Ho Chi Minh City is mostly sunny to hot, humidity and UV index are high with the highest temperature at 33 degrees Celsius.
According to information from the Southern Hydrometeorological Station, today, January 16, the weather in Ho Chi Minh City is mainly cloudy, sunny during the day, sometimes hot, almost no rain.
The lowest temperature is 23 degrees Celsius and the highest is 33 degrees Celsius.
Ho Chi Minh City weather today is mainly sunny to hot, high humidity and UV index.
Accordingly, the humidity in the air is also high at over 70% during sunny hours and will cause a feeling of heat. In addition, from 10am to nearly 2pm, the UV index (ultraviolet rays) in districts and counties is still at a high harmful level (level 7). Therefore, people should prepare carefully before going out by using sun protection measures appropriate to the weather conditions.
The weather in other Southern provinces is mainly cloudy, sunny during the day, with showers and thunderstorms in some places, with Northeast winds operating at level 2-3 in the area.
The lowest temperature is from 22-25 degrees Celsius and the highest is from 29-32 degrees Celsius, some places are above 32 degrees Celsius.
According to the forecast agency, on the sea from Ba Ria - Vung Tau to Ca Mau today there will be strong northeast winds of level 6, sometimes level 7, gusting to level 8, rough seas, waves from 3-5.5 m high.
All vessels operating in the above areas are at high risk of being affected by cyclones, strong winds and large waves.
Source: https://nld.com.vn/thoi-tiet-tp-hcm-hom-nay-16-1-nhieu-thay-doi-nguoi-dan-can-luu-y-196250116062601659.htm
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