According to the National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting, on March 26, the western mountainous region from Nghe An to Hue will have localized heat. Relative humidity at 1 p.m. is generally 55-65%.
It is forecasted that in the next 24 to 48 hours (March 27-28), the area from Nghe An to Hue will have hot with the highest temperature commonly from 35-37 degrees Celsius, some places over 37 degrees Celsius, the lowest relative humidity commonly 50-60%.
The Southeast provinces have hot weather with the highest temperature commonly ranging from 35-36 degrees Celsius, the lowest relative humidity commonly ranging from 50-55%. The Northwest region of the North has localized heat.
It is forecasted that from March 29, the heat wave will end in the area from Nghe An to Hue. The heat wave in the Southeast region is likely to last until March 29.
Warning, due to the effects of hot weather combined with low humidity in the air, there is a risk of explosions and fires in residential areas due to increased demand for electricity and the risk of forest fires.
In addition, heat can also cause dehydration, exhaustion, heat stroke for the human body when exposed to high temperatures for a long time.
Meteorological experts warn that the predicted temperature in the heat bulletin and the actual temperature felt outdoors can differ by 2-4 degrees Celsius, or even higher depending on the conditions of the surface such as concrete and asphalt.
Temperature forecast for March 27 and 28 in areas affected by heat wave:
Time | Area | Highest temperature | Humidity relative lowest | Time hot |
March 27 | Nghe An to Hue | 35-37 degrees Celsius, some places over 37 degrees Celsius | 50-55% | 12-15 hours |
March 28 | Western mountainous region of Nghe An to Hue | 35-36 degrees Celsius, some places over 36 degrees Celsius | 55-60% | 12-15 hours |
March 27-28 | Southeast Region | 35-36 degrees Celsius | 50-55% | 12-15 hours |
Health experts recommend that people limit going out in the sun on hot days, especially between 11am and 4pm.
People who are in a room with low air conditioning should not go out in the sun suddenly but need to have some time for the body to adapt to the outside environment by increasing the air conditioning temperature in the room or sitting in the shade before going out. Wear light-colored, airy, sweat-absorbent clothes.
Increase intake of green vegetables and fruits, especially need to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water/day.
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