The handbook, jointly published by Tuoi Tre newspaper and Women's Publishing House, is an indispensable document for candidates in this year's entrance exam.
The handbook provides information from the Ministry of Education and Training on university admissions and the 2024 high school graduation exam; fully updates the latest information on the 2024 high school graduation exam: easy or difficult exam questions, review orientation... along with hot answers from the leaders of the Ministry of Education and Training on admission registration regulations, new priority policies in admission.
1. Admission Overview
Associate Professor Dr. Nguyen Thu Thuy - Director of the Department of Higher Education (Ministry of Education and Training) - shared with candidates the points to note in the upcoming university entrance exam to increase the chances of admission.
The most complete information about the aptitude and thinking assessment exams of universities and colleges organized in 2024 (changes, exam locations, exam periods, exam questions, exam methods, review orientation, schools using exam results for admission...). How to register for admission online, adjust admission wishes to avoid unfair rejection...
The most complete information about all competency assessment exams (Ho Chi Minh City National University, Hanoi National University, Hanoi Pedagogical University, Ho Chi Minh City Pedagogical University); thinking assessment exam of Hanoi University of Science and Technology. How to register for admission online, adjust admission wishes to avoid unfairly failing... Choosing to study at college - intermediate level: things to know.
2. High school graduation exam
Notable points of the 2024 high school graduation exam, instructions for exam registration. Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Xuan Thanh - Director of the Department of Secondary Education (Ministry of Education and Training) - shares about the orientation of reviewing and preparing for the high school graduation exam; Professor, Dr. Huynh Van Chuong - Director of the Department of Quality Management (Ministry of Education and Training) - information about adjustments in the exam, orientation of exam questions and new exam regulations...
3. Your school
This special publication for the admission season also contains many in-depth analyses, assessments, detailed summaries, accurate assessments and full updates of the latest admission plans of most universities across the country (new majors, methods, subject combinations for admission, quotas...). Things to know about admission to military schools in 2024.
4. Choose a major with you
With the theme "Which major to choose to work in the semiconductor chip field?", the 2024 University & College Admissions Guide contributes to orienting young people to grasp career information at a time when Vietnam sets foot in this market with the race to train human resources for the chip market.
In addition, it also introduces dozens of new majors opened at universities this year. It points out to candidates the mistakes to avoid when choosing a career, advises on how to choose the right major... This section also has articles for parents on consulting and discussing with experts on how to support children at the threshold of entering adulthood, and how to resolve conflicts in choosing a major.
5. Success with passion
Singer Duc Phuc, singer Phuong My Chi, champion of season 3 Rap Viet Double2T, singer Isaac, Miss Intercontinental 2022 Le Nguyen Bao Ngoc, singer Orange, couple Gin Tuan Kiet and Puka... talked and shared about choosing a career to pursue their passion...
6. Conquer exam season
Readers will find many articles sharing effective learning experiences and good test scores from high school teachers, valedictorians of high school graduation exams, valedictorians of university entrance exams, valedictorians of aptitude tests; how to write essays to get priority admission; experiences in taking aptitude tests for university entrance exams...
7. Prepare for class
Detailed information on university tuition fees to help candidates consider choosing a school. In the context of universities becoming increasingly autonomous and tuition fees increasing according to the roadmap, the cost of studying in big cities has continuously increased in recent times, creating considerable pressure on families. Students who need to borrow money to study will be given detailed instructions. Which students are exempted from tuition fees according to the new regulations?
This section also has many articles sharing secrets to learning foreign languages well, ways to study to shine in university, equipping soft skills and valuable experiences in student life.
8. Things to know about studying abroad
Overview of studying abroad in 2024; instructions on how to find reliable information on studying abroad; international training links: opportunities for transfer study abroad at foreign universities; is it easy or difficult to get a full scholarship?
Where to buy the manual?
Dear readers, parents, and students, we invite you to buy the 2024 College & University Admissions Guide at the Fahasa, Nguyen Van Cu, Nhan Van, and Phuong Nam bookstore systems. In addition, you can order online from the bookstore systems:,,, and Tiki. Price 30,000 VND.
Students can also buy the handbook at the Admissions and Career Counseling Day at the University of Technology (268 Ly Thuong Kiet, Ward 14, District 10, Ho Chi Minh City) on March 3. Readers please contact the distribution department at (028) 4455.8686 or 0918.767.606 (contact Mr. Nguyen Van Thao) for advice (24/7) on the nearest place to buy.
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