(VLO) According to the report of the Ministry of Construction, in recent times, the ministry has effectively carried out important tasks, including urban planning and development (DT).
Accordingly, the Ministry has prepared and submitted to the Government for approval the planning of the urban and rural development system and the implementation plan; appraised and submitted to the Prime Minister for decision on recognition of urban types for special, type I and type II urban areas; and issued decisions on recognition of urban types for type III and type IV urban areas.
Currently, the Ministry is continuing to implement the project to develop Vietnam's urban areas to respond to climate change; the plan to develop green growth urban areas in Vietnam; the project to develop sustainable smart urban areas in Vietnam; the plan to classify urban areas nationwide in the period of 2021-2030...
In Vinh Long, the urban appearance and technical infrastructure have gradually changed with many positive changes, developing in accordance with the construction planning, the urban area is becoming more and more beautiful and spacious. The key projects and works invested have been implemented according to the approved planning, construction and development associated with the urban development planning.
Source: https://baovinhlong.vn/thoi-su/202503/nganh-xay-dung-thuc-hien-hieu-qua-cong-tac-quy-hoach-phat-trien-do-thi-fdb71d0/
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