Up to now, there are nearly 100 universities announcing the minimum scores for the second round of admission in 2024. The minimum scores offered by the schools range from 15 to 28.58 points. Of which, some schools announced additional admission for the pedagogical major. The minimum scores for this group of majors are very high, up to 28.58 points.
For example, at Hong Duc University, additional admissions are made to pedagogical training programs based on high school graduation exam scores. The minimum score for applications is 24.87 - 28.58 points.
The highest floor score belongs to the History - Geography Pedagogy major. Details of the additional floor score for admission to Hong Duc University in 2024 are HERE.
Hue University of Education recruits 110 additional students by 3 methods: considering academic transcripts, 2024 high school graduation exam scores and using competency assessment test results.
Accordingly, with the method of considering high school graduation exam scores, the school recruits 68 students, with the minimum score ranging from 19 to 27.37 points. Technology Education has the lowest minimum score; History - Geography Education has the highest minimum score. Details are as follows:
Quang Nam University, the minimum score for pedagogical majors is also quite high, such as Literature Pedagogy 25.74 points, Physics Pedagogy 23.5 points. The admission method is the high school graduation exam score (combination of 3 subjects).
Similarly, at Pham Van Dong University, the minimum score for additional admission for Literature Pedagogy is 26.6 points, Primary Education is 25.7 points, English Pedagogy is 24.5 points, Math Pedagogy is 24.4 points...
Tay Nguyen University also recruits additional students for a series of pedagogical majors with admission floor scores ranging from 25.32 to 26.62 points.
Sao Do University also announced additional admission based on high school transcripts or high school graduation exam scores. Based on high school transcripts, candidates need to score 24 points or higher. Based on high school graduation exam scores, candidates need to score 19 points or higher.
Bac Lieu University also recruits additional students for Primary Education and Preschool Education College.
For the Primary Education major, candidates need to achieve a high school graduation exam score (total score of 3 subjects in the admission group) of 26.2 points or higher (including priority points by region and subject).
For the Early Childhood Education College program, candidates need to achieve a high school graduation exam score (total score of 3 subjects in the admission combination) of 20.7 points or higher (including priority points according to region and subject); Aptitude test score must be 5.0 points or higher.
Source: https://laodong.vn/giao-duc/nganh-su-pham-co-diem-san-xet-tuyen-bo-sung-cao-nhat-1388312.ldo
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