Based on the revenue situation in the first 11 months of 2024 and the revenue in the first months of recent years, the General Department of Customs expects the state budget revenue in 2024 to reach VND 418,000 - 420,000 billion, equal to 111.5% - 112% of the assigned estimate, an increase of 13.4% - 13.9% over the same period in 2023.
On the afternoon of December 16, the General Department of Customs held an online conference to summarize the work in 2024 and deploy directions and tasks for 2025.
Successfully complete political tasks in 2024
According to the report, the total import-export value from the beginning of the year to December 14, 2024 reached 745.38 billion USD, an increase of 15.35% over the same period in 2023. Of which, exports reached 384.4 billion USD, an increase of 14.46% and imports reached 360.98 billion USD, an increase of 16.32%.
Vietnam's trade balance of goods as of December 14, 2024 had a trade surplus of 23.42 billion USD, 2.29 billion USD lower than the surplus of 25.71 billion USD in the same period in 2023. The total import-export value of goods for the whole year of 2024 is forecast to reach about 782.33 billion USD, with an estimated trade surplus of 23.53 billion USD.
In 2024, the General Department of Customs was assigned by the National Assembly to estimate the state budget revenue (NSNN) according to Resolution No. 104/2023/QH15 dated November 10, 2023, which is VND 375,000 billion. The result of state budget revenue from import-export activities: the accumulated amount from January 1 to December 14, 2024 reached VND 402,680 billion, reaching 107.4% of the estimate, up 13.9% over the same period in 2023.
Based on the revenue situation in the first 11 months of 2024 and the revenue in the first months of recent years, the General Department of Customs expects the state budget revenue in 2024 to reach VND 418,000 - 420,000 billion, equal to 111.5% - 112% of the assigned estimate, an increase of 13.4% - 13.9% over the same period in 2023.
Regarding tax debt collection, tax debt as of November 30, 2024 is VND 5,418.1 billion, a decrease of VND 138.5 billion compared to December 31, 2023 (equivalent to a decrease of 2.49%).
The amount of debt collection and settlement from January 1, 2024 to November 30, 2024 is 732.7 billion VND. Of which, some provincial and municipal Customs Departments have good tax debt collection results such as: Ho Chi Minh City 195 billion VND, Bac Ninh 100 billion VND, Binh Duong 105 billion VND, Hanoi 92 billion VND.
In 2024, the situation of smuggling, trade fraud, and counterfeit goods will become more complicated, on all routes, types, locations, and in cyberspace. In particular, there will be a situation of taking advantage of business forms on e-commerce platforms, social networks, and taking advantage of postal and express delivery activities; using tricks to split goods, transport them from the border to domestic consumption.
As an advisory and assisting agency for the Standing Agency of the National Steering Committee 389, the Steering Committee 389 of the Ministry of Finance, the General Department of Customs has resolutely implemented customs control work; controlled against smuggling of counterfeit goods, goods infringing intellectual property rights; controlled against smuggling and illegal transportation of gold and currency across the border;
As a result, from December 16, 2023 to November 15, 2024, the customs sector detected, arrested and handled 16,390 cases of customs law violations, with an estimated value of violating goods of VND 29,273 billion (an increase of 12.12% in the number of cases and an increase of 154.09% in value compared to the same period in 2023).
The Customs Department has prosecuted 24 cases (down 31.43% compared to the same period in 2023), and transferred 157 cases to other agencies for prosecution (down 5.42% compared to the same period in 2023). The amount collected for the State budget is VND 901.58 billion.
Towards the 80th anniversary of Vietnam Customs
2025 is a year of special significance and also marks the important milestone of the 80th anniversary of the establishment of Vietnam Customs.
Following the direction of leaders at all levels on summarizing the implementation of Resolution No. 18-NQ/TW dated October 25, 2017 of the 12th Party Central Committee, the General Department of Customs has studied and arranged to perfect the streamlined organization and operate effectively in accordance with the direction and orientation of the Party, Government and Ministry of Finance.
The General Department of Customs continues to focus on implementing drastically, synchronously and effectively the tasks and solutions set out in accordance with the resolutions and conclusions of the Party Central Committee and the Politburo; resolutions of the National Assembly, the Government, and directions of the Prime Minister, and providing specific directions and solutions.
Accordingly, Vietnam Customs will deploy a new organizational model after being approved by competent authorities to ensure continuous and effective operations in accordance with the direction of the Party, Government and the direction of the Ministry of Finance.
The industry continues to apply scientific advances in the 4.0 industrial revolution to redesign the overall information technology system of the customs industry. At the same time, it builds information technology solutions to support state management requirements for exported and imported goods, means of transport exiting, entering and transiting in the direction of centralized management and operation at customs agencies.
Reform and simplification of administrative procedures in the customs sector will continue to be promoted towards modernity, openness, transparency, etc. to contribute to improving the business environment and enhancing national competitiveness.
Along with that, it is necessary to resolutely and synchronously deploy solutions to collect the state budget in 2025; strengthen the control of smuggling and trade fraud, risk management, post-clearance inspection; inspection work, striving to complete the task of collecting the state budget....
Tien Dung
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