(CLO) The Kremlin announced that the phone call between Russian President Vladimir Putin and US President Donald Trump marked a turning point in bilateral relations, with the two countries shifting their focus from confrontation to peaceful dialogue.
In a statement on Sunday, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov stressed that the conversation between the two leaders sent a strong message about resolving problems through diplomacy rather than military confrontation.
"From now on, we will talk about peace, not war," Mr. Peskov said in an interview with Russian state television.
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov. Photo: Russian Presidential Press and Information Office
According to the Kremlin, the phone call took place on February 12, during which Mr. Putin and Mr. Trump discussed the situation in Ukraine, prospects for ending the conflict, Russia-US relations as well as a number of other important international issues. The two leaders agreed to maintain regular contact and are planning a face-to-face meeting in the near future.
Mr Peskov said Russia had lacked communication with the previous US administration and asserted that Mr Trump’s stance on peaceful dialogue could attract support from realists. He also stressed that sanctions imposed by the West would not hinder the progress of Russia-US negotiations, as they could be lifted quickly if there was a political consensus.
Analysts say the talks between Putin and Trump could open a new chapter in Russia-US relations, especially as the conflict in Ukraine continues and tensions between Moscow and the West show no signs of easing. If the two sides make progress in the upcoming negotiations, this could have a significant impact on the global political landscape.
Ngoc Anh (according to TASS, RIA, Reuters)
Source: https://www.congluan.vn/dien-kremlin-nga-va-my-dang-chuyen-tu-doi-dau-sang-doi-thoai-hoa-binh-post334763.html
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