A team of scientists at the North Caucasus Federal University (NCFU), Russia, has developed a method of preparing microencapsules to deliver vitamins, probiotics and other beneficial substances directly into the intestine. This technology also makes food more nutritious, with ingredients and useful trace elements.
According to researchers from the North Caucasus Federal University (NCFU), modern human eating habits often lead to a lack of essential nutrients. To solve this problem, experts are developing various methods of food enrichment, one of which is microencapsulation - a popular method for creating useful ingredients.
Specifically, scientists designed a packaging machine that creates microcapsules of extremely small size (about 0.099mm/capsule). Each capsule is made of two cylindrical shells: the upper part is called the cap, the lower part is called the body. Inside the body can be placed biologically active extracts, or lactic acid organisms, lacto-fermenting yeast to provide beneficial substances for the body.
The shell is called chitosan - a biological polymer derived from the shells of crustaceans such as shrimp and crab. Therefore, chitosan has many important features such as the ability to form films, limit water loss, self-degradation, antibacterial, suitable for creating microcapsules.
According to experts, the introduction of active pharmaceutical and biological substances into the body in capsules has many advantages over other methods. The main advantages are the precise dosage and the ability to protect the drug from the acidic environment of the stomach, then release the drug in the intestine.
Regarding the application of technology to create smart foods, recently Japanese researchers have also adopted the use of near-infrared light for a short time (0.1 seconds), fruits will become fresh and delicious, increasing the preservation time. This is the latest invention by the Shikoku Research Institute (Shikoku Electric Power Corporation, Japan) to avoid food waste, as well as help fruits stay fresher.
Accordingly, the technology, called iR Fresh, works by stimulating the stomata on the surface of fruits and vegetables to close, stopping water loss. From there, it enhances antioxidant capacity to inhibit the growth and proliferation of bacteria.
According to Intellectual Property
Source: https://doanhnghiepvn.vn/cong-nghe/nga-phat-trien-cong-nghe-tao-ra-thuc-pham-thong-minh/20250201030711045
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