Banks said they are currently accelerating the implementation of biometric authentication in transfers before July 1, 2024, according to Decision No. 2345 of the State Bank of Vietnam (SBV) on implementing safe and secure solutions in online payments and bank card payments.
This means that in just a few days, all first-time banking transactions using Mobile Banking will require biometric authentication.
Accordingly, online money transfer transactions of over 10 million VND/transaction, or cumulative over 20 million VND/day, are required to have facial authentication... This data must match the biometric data stored in the chip of the citizen identification card.
However, before this regulation, many people wondered if a person who had cosmetic surgery (nose job, eyelid surgery, facial surgery, etc.) would have their face scanned through biometrics not match the data stored in the police agency's data system (National Database), thus making it impossible to execute a money transfer order when using biometrics.
In response to this question, commercial banks said that if a customer undergoes cosmetic surgery, they should quickly contact the police agency that issued the CCCD to change or edit the image data on the CCCD (even though the CCCD is still valid).
According to regulations, from July 1, 2024, citizens who change data, such as re-recording biometrics, must bring the necessary documents as prescribed to the police agency to carry out before carrying out biometric procedures with the bank.
According to Decision 2345/QD-NHNN, the biometric data collected by banks must match the biometric data stored in the chip of the citizen identification card (CCCD) issued by the public security agency; or authenticated by the electronic identification account (VNeID) created by the electronic identification system; or match the biometric data stored in the database of the service provider that has been checked and compared with the chip-embedded citizen identification card, VneID.
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