Dr. Huynh Tan Vu, University of Medicine and Pharmacy Hospital, Ho Chi Minh City, Branch 3, said that ripe bananas are a type of food that is quickly digested by the body and provide a significant source of energy. Just eating a few ripe bananas, the body is immediately provided with hundreds of calories. Therefore, it is a valuable food for people who do heavy physical labor, athletes who need a lot of glucose in the blood.
When doing heavy labor for a long time or doing heavy exercise that uses a lot of energy, the body often has to mobilize blood sugar to supply the muscles. In these cases, the glucose in ripe bananas will be quickly absorbed into the blood, promptly replenishing the body's depleted sugar, helping us to quickly recover our health.
Among the sweet fruits of our country, banana is the fruit richest in nutrients and provides the most energy.
Eating bananas after a workout can help speed up recovery
According to Healthline , bananas are highly nutritious and particularly rich in water and carbs, both of which have been shown to help improve exercise performance and recovery.
Carb (short for carbohydrate) is a macronutrient. It is one of the three main nutrients that create energy for the body, along with fat and protein. By consuming high-carb foods, our body will be provided with the necessary energy to perform activities throughout the day.
Among them, sugar, starch and fiber are familiar groups of substances containing carbs.
May help replenish glycogen
Eating carb-rich foods after exercise promotes the release of the hormone insulin, which helps move sugar from the blood into muscle cells, where it is stored as glycogen. It also makes muscle cells more sensitive to insulin, making it easier for them to replenish their glycogen stores after exercise.
Most people can fully replenish muscle glycogen stores before their next workout by eating a high-carb diet.
However, people who have less than 24 hours to recover before their next workout will benefit from eating carb-rich foods, such as bananas, as soon as possible after exercise, as well as in the hours afterward.
This helps speed up muscle glycogen build-up, ensuring you can start your next workout with fully or nearly full glycogen stores.
May help your body use protein more efficiently
Eating a carb-rich food, such as a banana, along with a protein source immediately after exercise is often recommended as a way to help your muscles recover more effectively from resistance-based training.
Accordingly, carbs help stimulate the muscle's ability to absorb or use protein, thereby increasing muscle production and limiting its breakdown.
May help reduce inflammation
In addition to being rich in carbs, bananas also contain a large amount of beneficial compounds, such as dopamine and polyphenols. The combination of carbs and other compounds may help prevent excessive inflammation that occurs after exercise. This effect is thought to promote faster recovery.
Is it better to eat bananas before, during or after a workout?
Bananas are sometimes considered the perfect food for athletes. This is largely due to their easily digestible carb content, as well as the minerals potassium and magnesium, both of which act as electrolytes.
You lose electrolytes through sweat during heavy exercise. Replenishing potassium and magnesium after sweating, such as by eating a banana, can help reduce exercise-related muscle cramps and soreness.
However, there is still a lack of specific research on the effects of bananas on exercise performance, cramps, and post-workout recovery.
While eating bananas after a workout can aid in recovery, eating this fruit before or during a workout can also be beneficial in other ways.
To maximize your performance during your workout, eating a banana 30-60 minutes before your workout may be most beneficial. Meanwhile, eating 1-2 bananas combined with other carb sources may aid recovery after a workout or over a longer period of time.
That said, eating bananas while exercising can cause feelings of fullness or bloating in some people. If this is the case for you, consider trying carb-rich alternatives, such as dried fruit, fruit juice, sports drinks, etc.
If your goal is to reduce inflammation and speed up recovery, eating a banana after a workout may be best for you.
People who have less than 24 hours to recover before their next workout may benefit from eating a banana as soon as possible after their workout.
Also, keep in mind that bananas aren't necessarily more effective than other carb- and antioxidant-rich foods at fueling your workout or helping you recover afterward, so if you don't like bananas, just choose the fruit you like best.
Source: https://dantri.com.vn/suc-khoe/nen-an-chuoi-truoc-trong-hay-sau-khi-tap-luyen-20240714064840722.htm
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