Dr. Priyanka Singh from Neytra Eye Center (New Delhi, India) highlighted the most common eye problems caused by hot weather, according to Hindustan Times (India).
Use UV-blocking sunglasses when going out in the sun
Dry eyes: Heat causes tears to evaporate more quickly, making eyes more susceptible to dryness. Using air conditioners and fans makes dry eyes worse because of the low humidity in the air.
Allergies: Humidity combined with high temperatures and dust leads to many types of eye allergies. Common symptoms are redness, itching and burning sensation in the eyes.
Symptoms include dry eye sensation, burning in the eye, watery eyes, pain or redness.
Precautions: Use a humidifier while the air conditioner is on, and use air conditioning and fans at moderate levels. Use artificial tears to keep your eyes moist and reduce screen time.
A stye is a swelling of the eyelid.
To prevent, keep your eyes clean, avoid touching or rubbing your eyes frequently, and wear glasses when traveling to block wind and dust.
Conjunctivitis (pink eye): Is an inflammation of the conjunctiva caused by a virus or bacteria. Common symptoms are red eyes, watery eyes, and a stinging sensation in the eyes.
Do not buy medicine to use on your own. If symptoms appear, see an ophthalmologist.
Styes: Caused by a bacterial infection, styes are painful, red swellings of the eyelids that are common in children. If you have a stye, see your ophthalmologist for treatment.
Retinal damage : Ultraviolet rays and high temperatures can cause retinal phototoxicity (which can damage the retina). Wear sunglasses when outdoors between 11am and 3pm to protect your eyes from UV radiation.
Some preventive measures to protect your eyes in the summer
- Drink 2 - 3 liters of water a day
- Use UV-protective sunglasses when going out in the sun, wear goggles when swimming
- Avoid sharing towels, eye cosmetics, and avoid getting sunscreen in your eyes.
- Use air conditioning and fans moderately
- Do not rub your eyes, especially with dirty hands.
- In case of puffy, red eyes, use cold compresses or wash eyes with cold water.
Remember, eyes need special care. Do not self-medicate but consult an experienced ophthalmologist in case of infection or eye problems, according to Hindustan Times .
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