The project aims to improve and update professional knowledge and skills in inspection and examination of the implementation of ethnic policies for civil servants performing inspection and examination tasks in state management agencies on ethnic affairs in order to enhance the effectiveness of state management on ethnic affairs, contributing to the effective implementation of ethnic policies from the central to local levels in the period from 2025 to 2030.
The specific goal is to continue to improve policies and laws to improve the capacity of civil servants performing the task of inspecting and examining the implementation of ethnic policies in state management agencies on ethnic affairs. Develop and compile training materials, update knowledge, improve professional capacity, inspection and examination skills in implementing ethnic policies to meet practical requirements.
By 2030, 100% of civil servants performing inspection and examination tasks at state management agencies on ethnic affairs will be trained, updated with knowledge, and have improved professional capacity and inspection and examination skills in implementing ethnic policies.
By 2030, 100% of state management agencies on ethnic affairs will promote digital transformation activities; modernize the database system on inspection and examination of ethnic policy implementation.
The project is implemented at the Inspectorate and a number of departments and units with the function of inspecting the implementation of ethnic policies under the Ethnic Committee; the Inspectorate and specialized departments under the provincial Ethnic Committee; and district-level Ethnic Departments in ethnic minority and mountainous areas. The project is implemented from 2025 to the end of 2030.
4 main tasks and solutions
The Decision clearly states 4 groups of tasks and implementation solutions including:
a) Task group and solutions on perfecting mechanisms, institutions and policies: Review, advise and propose perfecting mechanisms, policies and conditions to ensure inspection and examination activities of a special nature in state management agencies on ethnic affairs.
Organize conferences to review and summarize inspection and examination work to remove and resolve difficulties and newly arising issues, recommend competent authorities to amend inadequate regulations on ethnic affairs management; at the same time, share skills and lessons learned in inspection and examination activities to implement ethnic policies.
b) Task group on improving the quality of civil servants performing inspection and examination duties in implementing ethnic policies: Review, identify needs and develop training plans, update legal knowledge, foster professional skills, inspection and examination skills in implementing ethnic policies for civil servants at state management agencies on ethnic affairs, especially to serve the inspection and examination of the implementation of the National Target Program on socio-economic development in ethnic minority and mountainous areas for the period 2021 - 2030 according to Resolution No. 88/2019/QH14 and Resolution No. 120/2020/QH14 of the National Assembly on approving the investment policy of the National Target Program on socio-economic development in ethnic minority and mountainous areas for the period 2021 - 2030.
Organize training, update legal knowledge, foster professional skills, inspection skills, and check the implementation of ethnic policies for civil servants at state management agencies on ethnic affairs.
c) Task force to promote digital transformation in ethnic policy inspection and examination activities: Develop software and update database to monitor and manage the results of ethnic policy inspection and examination in state management agencies on ethnic affairs.
Organize training on using management software, updating databases, and exploiting data on inspection and examination of ethnic policies.
d) Task group on strengthening facilities and ensuring funding for inspection and examination of ethnic affairs: Strengthening facilities and working conditions to ensure effective implementation of inspection and examination activities in state management agencies of ethnic affairs. Prioritizing and ensuring funding for inspection and examination activities for state management agencies of ethnic affairs.
Funding for the implementation of the Project is allocated from the state budget according to the current state budget decentralization and other legal funding sources according to the provisions of law.
The Ethnic Committee organizes training to improve capacity in inspection and examination skills.
The Ethnic Committee shall preside over and coordinate with the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Government Inspectorate, the provincial People's Committees of ethnic minority and mountainous areas and relevant functional agencies to develop programs and documents; organize training courses to improve professional capacity, skills, inspection and examination of ethnic policy implementation. Organize conferences, seminars, forums for dialogue and experience sharing for civil servants performing inspection and examination tasks of ethnic policies at all levels. Guide, monitor, urge, summarize, summarize and report on the results of the Project implementation.
Based on the proposal of the Ethnic Committee, the Ministry of Planning and Investment synthesizes and reports to competent authorities to arrange a medium-term public investment plan for activities under the Project to implement the tasks assigned by the Prime Minister in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Public Investment and other relevant legal provisions.
Based on the proposal of the Ethnic Committee, the Ministry of Finance synthesizes and submits to the competent authority to arrange funding for the implementation of the Project according to the current state budget decentralization. Coordinate with agencies to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the Project implementation.
Provincial People's Committees in ethnic minority and mountainous areas shall issue documents guiding the implementation of contents related to the Project. Allocate funds from local budgets and other funding sources to coordinate the implementation of the Project.
Ministries, ministerial-level agencies, government agencies, and other relevant agencies, within their scope and authority and according to assigned tasks, shall coordinate with the Ethnic Committee and Provincial People's Committees of ethnic minority and mountainous areas to carry out the tasks of the Project.
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