Intellectuals and social scientists have the role and responsibility to produce research results, which are the basis for formulating policies, strategies, plans and plans for national development. The social sciences also need to transform along with the rising trend of the nation. In particular, improving research efficiency plays a core role.
In his speech at the meeting with intellectuals and scientists on December 30, 2024, General Secretary To Lam pointed out the responsibilities and missions of intellectuals and scientists in the new revolutionary period, successfully implementing strategic goals, making our country a developed country with high income by 2045. That responsibility is carried out in the context of rapid global changes in many aspects, human intelligence and civilization developing rapidly, directly affecting economic growth. Intellectuals and scientists play a particularly important role in that transformation process. Vietnam cannot be outside the general trend.
Unlike the research results of natural sciences and technology, which are logically solved programs, new applications and devices that demonstrate visible effectiveness in life, the research results of social sciences are characterized by being more abstract and difficult to quantify.
Intellectuals and social scientists have the role and responsibility to produce research results, which are the basis for formulating policies, strategies, plans and plans for national development. The social sciences also need to transform along with the rising trend of the nation. In particular, improving research efficiency plays a core role.
However, research results in social sciences, humanities, and international studies have provided scientific arguments and evidence for linking economic growth with ensuring social progress and equity, and evidence clarifying the central position as well as the goals and motivations of people in development strategies, contributing advice to the Party and State's policies serving socio-economic, cultural, and educational development...
Citing the opinion of VI Lenin who emphasized: "Without the guidance of experts who are knowledgeable in the fields of science, technology and have experience, it is impossible to move to socialism because socialism requires a conscious and mass step towards a higher labor productivity than that of capitalism based on the results that capitalism has achieved", General Secretary To Lam highlighted the responsibility of the intellectuals and scientists to meet the expectations of the Party, the State and the people who have placed their trust in the core pioneers to create innovation and strong breakthroughs for the goal of rapid and sustainable development of the country in the new period.
However, the implementation of responsibilities and missions of intellectuals and scientists is still limited compared to expectations and investments.
General Secretary To Lam frankly criticized: "There is still a phenomenon where some units and individuals consider the state budget allocated to carry out scientific research topics and projects as an "economic source" or "income source" other than salary, without taking into account the socio-economic efficiency of those research topics and projects."
In the field of social sciences, the most obvious example is that most of the research products of basic scientific topics of individuals at research institutes have not been deployed or applied in practice. For research products that are not effectively applied in practice, the funding for basic topics is simply to increase the income of researchers. Therefore, there needs to be another way of organizing so that investment in scientific research is not spread out, to best mobilize intellectual resources and research results with high applicability.
Resolution No. 57-NQ/TW on breakthroughs in science and technology development, innovation and national digital transformation has pointed out strategic directions for scientific sectors, removed barriers, and liberated capacity to promote breakthroughs in scientific research and development.
In the coming time, the National Assembly will issue the Law on Science, Technology and Innovation as a legal framework for strong innovation, improving the efficiency and quality of products of research agencies and research staff.
According to Dr. Nguyen Thi Thu Ha, Deputy Head of the Science Management Department, Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences: “The ideas of forming “lean-strong” research groups will soon be organized and implemented at research institutes under the Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences to carry out key topics, urgent and prioritized tasks... Those strong research groups are the ones who directly put Resolution No. 57 into practice in social science research to increase efficiency and reduce waste”.
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