>>> Lesson 1: Innovation to meet mission requirements
Towards the base
Project No. 02-DA/TU sets out 12 specific targets. Among them, there is a target that the cadres of the Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations at the provincial, district and communal levels visit villages and hamlets at least 1 day/month following the motto of "three together" (eating, living and working together) with the people. The Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations at all levels of the province have closely followed the assignment and direction of the Provincial Party Committee, the guidance of the Provincial Party Committee's Mass Mobilization Commission, and the Party Committees at the same level have organized many meaningful "three together" activities with the people in the assigned communes.
Vice Chairwoman of the Provincial Fatherland Front Committee Tang Thi Duong said that every quarter and every month, based on the actual situation, the Provincial Fatherland Front Party Cell directs the Trade Union Executive Committee to develop plans and organize for cadres, civil servants and public employees of the agency to participate in activities with the people in communes in the province. The activities are organized in a variety of ways, suitable to the actual needs of the locality such as: Supporting leveling the ground, digging house foundations, transporting materials to build houses for poor households; propagating and guiding people to classify, collect and treat plastic waste; caring for and planting new flower roads on roads and grounds of village cultural houses... During the "three together" times with the people, the Party Cell promptly discovered and resolved many problems and difficulties arising at the grassroots level. For example, the case of households in Kim Quan commune arbitrarily selling buffaloes and cows supported by central agencies and units to develop production, to meet income criteria for recognition of communes meeting new rural standards. As soon as it was discovered, the Party Cell promptly recommended to Yen Son District Party Committee to direct the management of sponsored assets, strictly prohibiting the arbitrary sale of buffaloes and cows...
Officials of the Vietnam Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations, armed forces of Thanh Tuong commune (Na Hang) supported the family of Mr. Duong Van Cu, Na Lang village, to dismantle the house and move to a new safe place.
Socio-political organizations at all levels of the province have organized "three together" activities associated with the implementation of tasks and professional work of agencies and units, and assigned breakthroughs and innovations such as: The Provincial Women's Union organized a conference to train basic digital skills and data analysis and exploitation skills, digital technology to guide safe social network usage skills and personal data protection skills; planting and caring for flower roads... Farmers' Associations at all levels organized propaganda activities, guiding members to classify and process agricultural waste and organic waste into fertilizers; transport concrete components and install intra-field canals; The activities are not only to share and encourage local Party committees, authorities and people to perform well the political tasks, emulation movements, campaigns of the locality, of socio-political organizations, but also to mobilize and guide people to effectively implement, improve the material and spiritual life of union members and members. According to the report of the Provincial Party Committee's Mass Mobilization Committee, in more than 3 years of implementing Project No. 02, nearly 157,000 cadres and party members have participated in activities with the people in nearly 12,400 villages and hamlets, attracting more than 462,000 people to participate; helping 852 poor and near-poor households to repair and build new houses; planting and caring for 1,800 km of flower roads; planting nearly 11,000 trees; making 146 km of concrete roads; transporting and installing over 44 km of precast concrete canal components; Repairing and installing nearly 188 km of electric lines to light up rural roads; visiting and giving gifts to poor households, families in difficult circumstances, and families with preferential policies, worth over 6.8 billion VND...
Improve the quality of the Association organization
The Vietnam Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations have closely followed the tasks and solutions of Project No. 2 to consolidate and improve the quality of the Association's organization and effectively implement the specific targets set out.
Comrade Hoang Tran Trung, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Youth Union, said that the Provincial Youth Union has synchronously deployed groups of tasks and solutions to achieve the criteria of Project 02. In particular, the Provincial Youth Union issued a Plan on implementing the Youth Development Program of Tuyen Quang province for the period 2021 - 2030; focusing on improving the quality and effectiveness of patriotic emulation movements, programs and campaigns such as: Volunteer Youth; Creative Youth; Youth Volunteers to Protect the Fatherland; accompanying young people in starting a business; implementing the model of "Party members aged 18", and the Project of Tuyen Quang Youth participating in digital transformation and improving digital capacity for union members and young people for the period 2023 - 2027... The Provincial Youth Union innovates and diversifies forms of propaganda, ideological and political education, forms of gathering union members and members; innovates the content and form of activities; Regularly consolidate and improve the organization, staff and develop the organization... Thanks to that, up to now, the targets to strive for by 2025 have all been achieved and exceeded the plan such as: maintaining the rate of gathering and attracting the youth union at 75.3%/75%; the rate of Party members of the Youth Union branch secretaries is 61.8/50%; 100% of the Youth Union branches apply information technology and social networks in activities and organization of activities...
Regarding the Provincial Farmers' Association implementing Project No. 02, up to now, the Associations at all levels have recruited 12,500 new members; the rate of gathering and attracting farmers to participate in the Association organization out of the total number of agricultural households reached 80.9%; the rate of Branch Chairmen who are Party members reached 74.3%... Sharing about this result, the President of the Provincial Farmers' Association, Dao Thi Mai, said that the Farmers' Associations at all levels have seriously implemented Project No. 02 and have had many positive changes. The Associations at all levels have focused on applying information technology, propagating by topic, main theme, diversifying propaganda forms such as: through dramatization competitions, the Talented Farmers Program, group activities, groups of similar interests... At the same time, focusing on effectively implementing breakthrough and innovation tasks; building economic development models; branches, professional associations, cooperatives, cooperatives, savings and loan groups; clubs based on cultural, artistic and sports interests; self-management models to attract members; support and consumption of agricultural products for farmers... Thanks to that, the quality of the Association is increasingly improved; the Association is increasingly stronger.
Project No. 02-DA/TU with appropriate and practical contents closely followed and applied by the Vietnam Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations has been improving the material and spiritual life of the people, building the Vietnam Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations increasingly stronger, contributing together with the Party committees and authorities of the province to successfully implement the goals of the Resolution of the 17th Provincial Party Congress.
Article and photos: Thu Huong
(To be continued)
Source: https://baotuyenquang.com.vn/nang-cao-chat-luong-hoat-dong-mttq-va-cac-to-chuc-chinh-tri-xa-hoi-bai-2-hieu-dan-de-nang-cao-cuoc-song-cho-dan-199863.html
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