The above results are based on a report by the ACT Organization (American College Testing - a standardized test used to assess the academic ability of high school students and is one of the prerequisites for entering universities and colleges) compiled from global ACT test results statistics.

Tho's scores for the Science section (36/36) and English section (36/36) are in the top 1% in the world. His Reading section score (35/36) is also in the top 2%. With a total score of 35/36, Nguyen Huu Tho is in the top 1% of ACT scorers worldwide.

This result was beyond Tho's expectations because he only set a target of 30 to 31 points when registering for the ACT exam. In the US, the average ACT score of 12th graders is 19.5 points.

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Nguyen Huu Tho, student of Tran Dai Nghia High School for the Gifted

Sharing more about this achievement, Tho said: “The ACT test requires quick reading comprehension skills, knowing how to exploit information from data tables and make quick inferences, focusing on key content, grasping specialized vocabulary... Therefore, to get used to data analysis, candidates need to read a lot, understand deeply and have extensive knowledge in English.”

Nguyen Huu Tho has studied the integrated English program since grade 1. “The achievement I have achieved today is a long journey of accumulating knowledge and skills that I have gained from studying the integrated English program from grade 1 to grade 12. Experiencing a new educational environment, being in regular contact with foreign teachers with scientific and easy-to-understand teaching methods has helped me have a good foundation in English. Moreover, acquiring academic knowledge from Math and Science subjects has helped me easily explore the treasure trove of learning materials, expanding exchanges with the English-speaking community around the world,” Tho shared.

The Integrated English Program is the abbreviation for the program "Teaching and learning integrated maths, science and English according to the National Curriculum Framework of the UK and Vietnam".

This is an initiative of the Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee to improve the English proficiency of students in the city. It can be seen that learning Math and Science in English with the new, modern and flexible learning method of the integrated English program is a completely different experience.

In a continuous, practical English environment, students will have the opportunity to develop language skills combined with scientific knowledge and critical thinking skills throughout their studies from primary to high school.

To complete the program, students studying the Integrated English program like Nguyen Huu Tho will need to demonstrate not only their proficiency in English but also their thinking ability and academic knowledge through Math and Science subjects (Physics, Biology, Chemistry).

When they learned about Tho’s ACT score, which was among the highest in the world, the foreign teachers who directly taught Tho were happy and proud of this student with many outstanding advantages. The teachers were not surprised because the students of the program are always well prepared in terms of knowledge and skills according to international standards.

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Mr. Jeff Johnston-Keisling, an integrated English program teacher, emphasized: “We always try to equip students with a foundation of knowledge and skills so that they can keep up with the trend of educational innovation and become global citizens. Therefore, in addition to trying to exploit students' creative potential, we always create lively and engaging practice exercises to nurture their passion for exploring knowledge as well as lifelong learning habits.”

Mr. Burt Chutkan, Tho's Math - Science teacher, also shared: "The ACT test has many unique assessment methods that go against the traditional way of thinking and learning that Vietnamese students need to adapt to.

Tho is always ready to listen to new ways of doing things and new learning methods from teachers, and this has helped him develop his abilities and strengths to achieve clear successes in his studies.

According to teacher Burt Chutkan, what impressed him most about this student was his confidence and eagerness to learn, which he demonstrated through conversations before and after class.

Leaving a multinational corporation, the valedictorian of Foreign Trade University experiences studying in 4 countries for free . Having become a "phenomenon" for knowing 4 different languages ​​and being the valedictorian of Foreign Trade University, Hoa surprised many people when he decided to leave a multinational corporation to take a 1-year "gap year".